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The Maestro

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Everything posted by The Maestro

  1. Sure feels like Brasil will get another one here. Just wave after wave of pressure
  2. Recently got back from the family trip. Those trees are absolutely magnificent. A trip to see them should be on everyone’s bucket list. Highlights included the Moro rock trail that starts at General Sherman, a day hike at the top of Mineral King, Crystal Cave, and a backcountry horse tour. As mentioned, while it’s cool in the park at altitude, Three Rivers was hot as hell. Fortunately we had river access at our rental so we could cool off swimming in the afternoons. In Three Rivers we enjoyed Ol’ Buckaroo for dinner, Sequoia Coffee Co. and Three Rivers Brewing. The grocery store is very limited, so if you want to do much if your own cooking I’d recommend hitting a bigger store on your way in. Here’s some pics. Swimming hole Crystal Cave Mineral King Sequoias Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Well, Adios Uruguay. Horrible mistake by the goalie
  4. Laxalt is faster than anyone on Argentina's defense, but still probably can't keep up with Mbappe.
  5. Geiger is out of his depths. Send him back to red UIL games
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