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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. It's really too bad. This could be one of the greatest promotions or catalysts for this generation of kids around the world to get more excited about STEM and our future in space. We obviously have space programs, and some great private sector work being done, but it has a lot more visibility and impact when a country like the US creates a branch, has an iconic logo and uniform, and an intelligent leader capable of presenting a really kickass vision. We have 1 of the 3.
  2. I love these videos. You get all the feels. Please EPL, we have the technology, start selling me VR seats inside the stadiums.
  3. Wait, wait, wait. When something is working, you stick with it? What kind of bullshit is that?
  4. What a beautiful play design by Shanahan.
  5. Obviously, I'm biased, but this is like a CB looking back toward the ball. VVD is going for the ball and has a right to it.
  6. I stand corrected. Holy shit.
  7. Yeah, she fought through it and still almost pulled it out. Good fight.
  8. Crystal Palace doing the Lord's work today.
  9. Weird. It's definitely real. I would have to go back choice by choice and look.
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