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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Haven't you heard? He doesn't count.
  2. I played this and FPS Baseball in a number of online leagues. So much fun. Disappointed that Basketball never came out.
  3. Part 1 of tonight's CNN Town Hall.
  4. I knew about drawing the name out of a hat, but I had no idea they pulled out a tie first. Some crazy traditions they have there.
  5. Need to bring some Yak loin to the next Yang rally.
  6. Hey now. Don't bring my boy Yang into this Russian shit.
  7. Oh fuck this shit. Get that no talent piece of shit off there.
  8. That's an odd commercial to be talking about Man City in 2020.
  9. So crazy. It's the first day of Feb and even announcers are all in on the Liverpool winning this thing.
  10. Firmino is such an awesome player. It's why I don't even mind his rare moments of selfishness. He deserves it.
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