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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by InkaUtexas

  1. I would not either, but they showed it live.
  2. Now MAGA has another martyr. It was pretty damn crazy to see live.
  3. Live on CNN. Dude just lit himself on fire.
  4. I thought Iran had the super duper latest Russian gear.
  5. Very true. And not just Austin. The book When the Rivers Run Dry (great read) discusses this. It is a bit dated, but worth it.
  6. I meant with air power. Cyber? Sure. Assassinations? Sure.
  7. They are unless neighbors gave over flight. The other option is over Syria and Iraq, but the target ain't in that area, so Iran should have known they were coming.
  8. And what route did they take? Around Saudi or over a neighbor?
  9. Saw reports from an Israeli site there were hits in Syria and Iraq as well. Don't know them. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/israel-news/2278968/israels-revenge-explosions-reported-in-iraq-syria-and-in-iranian-cities-with-nuclear-facilities.html
  10. BBC with a running thread. Biggest highlight. Iran confirmed. State news agency IRNA is reporting that the country's air defence systems have been activated in several provinces. IRNA said the country had fired its "air defense batteries". https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-68830092?src_origin=BBCS_BBC
  11. So this is the first time Israel has hit Iran right?
  12. Yeah, ABC reporting. More on the DT thread. Well fuck.
  13. Israel makes a lot of their own shit. I agree about the heavy crap. But they make the small arms being used in the West Bank. They make a lot of their own drones, tanks, naval ships, missiles. Other than fighters, helicopters, and ammo, they are pretty self sufficient. Can you answer my points?
  14. I think we will. And I agree about citizenship for those who want it. I think most will. The issue are these. 1- How do you ever fix the animosity on both sides? 2- What do you do with those who do not want this solution? The hardline on both sides. 3- How to integrate? 4- How do you stop the expansion of settlements? The existence of Arab Israelis, many who serve in the IDF, shows it can work.
  15. He never would deploy the "Losers" in the military. Yeah, I won't forget when he said that about the POW's. No one should.
  16. I think it is a no win for the US. This would make the Two State system law. I agree with the two state solution. At the same time, there are a lot of groups, sure, not as controlled as Palestinians, who would push for this. Do you recognize them all? Curious, who were the 15? Also, unlike a lot of groups they do have a voice, just not a vote. Palestine is a non-member observer State of the UN, the same status as held by the Holy See. Any application for UN membership is considered by the Security Council, which then forwards it on to the 193-member General Assembly to adopt a resolution for the admission of a Member State. A bit more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_and_the_United_Nations
  17. Watched him talk. Called the Trial a NY Scam. Well he would know right?
  18. Well he is South African and would see it as a way to reduce payment to his workers. Also, how does he always happen to find these hot takes? He have a staff searching for shit he can respond to?
  19. The Great Game was mainly the Brits. We were busy conquering the West and getting ready for the Civil War.
  20. Whereas Argentina is a BRICS nation, not sure this President really is.
  21. Yep. Another system I used and liked, just not in the US, are underground cisterns for each house. The water is not potable and if the power goes out you have none unless you drop a bucket. Wonder if these could be installed in backyards here for just simple uses. Toilet and plants. They basically become a rainwater supported well.
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