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Everything posted by d2o

  1. Then mission accomplished. This is a full on tank job
  2. One is 25 this yr and they are giving up 35 so they are moving up 10 spots. The 2nd pick is GSW's so it will probably be pretty late next yr too. Still interesting to get picks along with what most would think is the best player in the trade.
  3. It was Brogdon needing elbow surgery.
  4. Wow, I'm thinking they couldnt get Kristaps to opt in without getting an extension.
  5. Well they already told him he was gonna be gone but it is pretty wack to not let him know that they were exploring trade options as well
  6. This is my biggest issue. They lost in very large part because they had no depth at all after the KD trade. Now I will say they really didnt give up anything to get Beal but the larger issue is that Beal takes up 50M of cap space. Book, Beal and KD will take up about 150M right? Add in Ayton's money and they are up around 175M? How can they field any kind of depth with the entire cap tied up in 4 guys and a new CBA that gives them less possibilities to operate over way over the cap
  7. Probably costs him more than that because he'll be ineligible for All NBA. Yep, I'm sure that was a consideration with the new mandate for eligibility for post season awards.
  8. Exactly this. The NBAPA would be all over that shit as they should. Yeah he was stupid as hell. Even moreso when you factor in his team trying to say the gun was a toy but nothing he did was illegal.
  9. Yep, for as stupid as the shit was there is no reason for him to get more than 20. And even that is just because he's fucking stupid not really because the actual action. And now the league has the benefit of the outrage dying down some. Give him 20 gms and this isnt really a story again until the season starts
  10. Correct. They just aint found the person willing to pay them what they want........or they aint missed enough rent payments LOL
  11. He's also the floppingest of flopping bitches
  12. Disagree completely. They dont even use him a PG for one thing but more importantly, he is the heart of that team. And I say that despite hating the guy and pretty much everything he stands for LOL
  13. From what I read, she's "in the business" too. He loves porn chicks apparently.
  14. I truly hope for his sake she just crazying and he wasnt fucking with her. She is all kinds of nasty...........and not in the good way
  15. Most of the time defenders were staying home on shooters and letting Jokic work 1:1 with whoever was guarding him. There were a lot of mismatches where he bullied one of the guards but they only get 2 pts out of those possessions. Almost none of the wide open 3s that they are used to getting. Its a great plan. It helps when you are on fire on the other end too to keep the pressure on them. Will be interesting to see what adjustments DEN makes to get their shooters some looks.
  16. Its pretty amazing how bad he is particularly when you consider it was a major criticism last season. One would hope he would have put in some serious work on his handle and came back much tighter this season but nope
  17. Yeah, they have a stacked team but literally all they do is shoot the 3. If they are hitting they are unbeatable. When they start missing they have no plan B. Just keep chucking. Its maddening to watch.
  18. I cant even imagine how maddening it is if someone is a C's fan. Their "offense" has been driving me CRAZY as a basketball fan. Just HORRIBLE possession after horrible possession.
  19. I could definitely see the numbers getting so big that max is like 60 and 2-3 max level guys getting together and saying let's take 40/ea and play together. Especially with how big the offcourt numbers are getting its more likely. There is really no way to legislate superteams away. They've always existed and they will always exist.
  20. Yep, the goal is to not have teams like the Warriors have 3-4 max guys and ultimately get them spread over more teams. There will always be shitty teams desperate to get a star that will overpay a Wiggins or the like. Thing is team like the Warriors, Nets, Lakers, etc bail those shitty teams out all the time. Like GSW did did for Wiggins. Under the new rules MIN wouldn't be able to find someone to take him off their hands and they would be stuck until his deal ends. Every time they try to put in measures to protect the small market teams the owners end up fucking themselves. Happened with the supermax provision. I suspect it will be the same with this.
  21. Mark Davis has been going all out for the Aces. Was chartering planes for them last yr pissing the other owners off. Made Becky Hammon the highest paid coach in the league. Added Candace Parker to an already stacked team and now this.....
  22. That $25 for the pass is definitely tempting. I love the W and this yr with Vegas and NY set up with superteams and some of the other under the radar teams/stars it could be another great season. The playoffs last yr were incredible!
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