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Burnt Ends
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  1. Except that the law-dogs actually have an informative point to make.
  2. Tell that to someone who lived in 1816. Same story with my cello; its design was obsolete in the 18th century, but was a new design compared to the viola da gamba of the 15th century or mid-16th century bass violins. Believe it or not, "technology" doesn't have to require circuits. Any novel invention is tech. While people point to the savagery and mobility of the Huns, Genghis Khan's success was really due to his adaptation and advancement of technology. He would capture, learn how to use, and improve upon the weapons of places he conquered. The English longbow was critical for English successes in Europe. Sextants helped navigate the oceans. And so on. But the key element here is, unlike Khan's siege engines, the Longbow, the laufmaschine and sextants, the key aspect of OP's question is do you still use it? And yeah, I still use my cello. I perform on it, record with it... And after I'm gone, someone else will, just as someone else played it before I was even born. I'm a chapter in its story. Which is really fuckin' cool.
  3. "You're the biggest artist in the world! Buy another jet."
  4. So the choir-pad sound @ 1:00 or so is the Ensoniq synth; my crappy cello playing starts around 1:33.
  5. I remember learning about this way back during the IBM vs SCO lawsuit, when SCO (with backing from Microsoft) was basically suing IBM for putting copyrighted code from UNIX (which, ironically, SCO didn't even really own the rights to, not like they thought they did) into Linux. A paralegal, frustrated with the idiocy she saw on Slashdot and elsewhere from the nerds who cared deeply about the case but understood nothing about the legal system, started up a blog to cover the details of what was REALLY happening. At some point pretty early on, she said that the judge was Actively Managing the case. And she explained what that meant: The judge had already figured out what he was going to rule, and from this point forward was more or less going to make sure that the ruling was going to be solid and un-appealable. (IBM won. Big. No appeal succeeded.)
  6. So I can beat the bike with my 1982 Fuji Berkeley. But I feel like musical instruments are a cheat code to this game. Oh, there's the 1995 Ibanez bass. The 1989 Ensoniq synth I still use. The 1984 Peavey Combo amp for the bass. Mom's ca 1969 Sorrento classical guitar. But beating all that is the 1700s-era cello, and if you don't think that's tech, I'll point out that this uses a design that predates Stradivarius, which every cello/viola/violin since has mimicked. But that's why this particular cello sounds so cool.
  7. I have the new version of this that Unicomp makes. Same tech, current century.
  8. This is only half-true: they won't be voting for him with that knowledge. Because they're either not following the story, or they're hearing a very biased version of it. I mean, that's literally what they just talked about re: the Access Hollywood tape. If you're famous, "they" let you get away with everything. On the other hand, "they" aren't courts of law. "They" are the public and the media.
  9. Rimbo

    Getting old sucks

    So many more reasons to drink; so much less ability to cope with alcohol.
  10. You know how you know when you're kissing a French Horn player? He sticks his hand up your ass.
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