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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Pato del Muerto last won the day on September 3 2023

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  1. Perhaps the young person has a cold or some other respiratory illness and is trying to be considerate of others while still going about his day?
  2. Most in attendance aren’t even students!
  3. So you just ignore the entire last paragraph where they say they plan to be there “all day” which should be fine and within the rules, and to listen to organizers to keep everyone safe? as to non-student “agitators” it’s a public space so if non students want to attend they should be able to while following the rules and if they don’t then they get dealt with. DPS wasn’t there to take care of bad actors, they were there to break it up and they say as much with the statements put out by the school president, the utpd, and the governor.
  4. And taken that security guard that he and the students love so much, to mediate.
  5. Hartzell’s letter also appears to ascribe a meaning to the word occupy that is above and beyond the generally accepted meaning of being in the space. And using the term as sometimes to imply “without authority to do so.” Then acting on the implied meaning prior to any actual rules being violated. “Nobody is allowed to occupy campus” is such a red herring.
  6. Hartzell wanted to avoid campus interruptions and maintain student safety, so he called the cops in to create disruptions and threaten student safety.
  7. I take issue with the lack of specificity of what rules were being violated, by whom, when, and what was done about it. I also wonder why, at a public university, he feels the need to mention non-students participating or why it’s important.
  8. How are they going to use this to grant him immunity from illegal acts he has done and been indicated for from before and after his presidency (stormy payment laundering and moving of documents)?
  9. Well, they’re called arguments.
  10. Aggy will hav the auburn wr enroll at blinn for a summer session, then transfer to aggy major. Cuz they’s smrt.
  11. Does UT still allow the anti-abortion group to set up shop at the corner in front of Gregory with their giant pictures of aborted fetuses like they did in the late 90s? I also recall in 1994 I believe the KKK marched down Dallas Ave in grapevine, fully permitted, after some racial incidents at GHS got their attention. was told 1st amendment allowed for it.
  12. Are the protesting students not entitled to feel safe in voicing their opinions? Those students don’t count?
  13. Shouldn’t hartzell be putting the finishing touches on yet another fundraising email?
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