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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. This. The real news comes via social media and texts for them.
  2. I think I posted before but this is now SciFi level corporate war involvement, beyond natural resources stuff, that Frank Herbert and others predicted over 50 years ago.
  3. The line that stood out to me- They’ve ended up in the worst of all worlds, trickling more resources into a failed strategy
  4. I think that was the Wagner company that lost over 200 mercs to a dozen US 'troops'. They had to change their name after that.
  5. There is really no reason to since RU doesn't own the sky.
  6. We surly armchair commanders didn't think about a how much fuel a convoy of that size needs. No fuel and they are useless after firing what they have.
  7. Hope Macron ended it by saying, Russian warship go fuck yourself.
  8. I suspect from Ukraine counter strike discipline the 'advisors' can probably call up aerial support in short order like those TB-2s that showed up, and took out the Chechen column, but weren't Ukrainian.
  9. Yeah, they've got to put some blue and yellow on that.
  10. On this one, seeing the previous footage of a villager/infantry guy Case style herp a derp out of the tree line, take out a tank, and herp a derp back to the tree line in about 10 seconds means the age of armor is coming to a close.
  11. Is this going badly for Putin? Looks like the world wants to teabag Putin now that the RU military has been exposed as a paper tiger.
  12. All tanks operators seeing it and believing in the option helps a lot more.
  13. I'm of the mind Stingers took out way more planes opening night than is known. RU isn't even flying sorties for appearances.
  14. About that #2 statement, did they move both PanTex and Dyess?
  15. A world shaped by 75 years of fear of the Red menace watching RU be reduced to a paper tiger, albeit with nukes, in 72 hours is a complete game changer.
  16. My wife asking me about my mud skills in a 2wd vehicle and me telling her learned to how to drive in this because I wasn't man enough to take the walk of shame and tell my grandfather or uncle they have to take a tractor off task to pull my ass out of the mud.
  17. SteelShank is very disappointed in your dedication to laying pipe.
  18. Why did my brain immediately fire up a Benny Hill sound track?
  19. If you follow https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/ more and more Russian troops are abandoning the armor they are driving and walking away. Can't image loved ones texting them NLAWs are taking down all armor is a good for troop moral.
  20. RU being at the treaty table in ~72 hours is humiliating for the RU.
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