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Certifiably Surly
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Anastasis last won the day on May 18 2021

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22,305 Surly 1%

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  1. Sitting right next to the keg boil kettle and the stack of ball lock cornies.
  2. Yep. Got a lot of stuff that I need to clear out. Just don’t have the time to brew. But got a lot of top quality shit. Brew kettles, conical fermenter etc.
  3. I also like to stash bourbon in my gun closet.
  4. The academy has been corrupted. It is useful to recognize this.
  5. Its feels like there should be some theme music overlay to this post.
  6. Gen X is a 1972+ cohort, imo. 1980 is probably a bit too early to cut point the millennial cohort. I'd go like 1973-1983 for Gen X. Sorry, if you were born when Jimi, Jim, or Janis were alive you are not Gen X. If your formative childhood experience included AIDS hysteria, fall of the iron curtain, satanic panic, dial up modems, and dirt weed by the lb, you are Gen X.
  7. aerodynamic, with a buoyant backside, and ready to go fast?
  8. Damn. This is spot on.
  9. Is that right? Cause it doesn't sound right. Us GenX think all this shit is fucked and wish that you would leave us alone and to our own devices as society did when we were growing up. From pew.
  10. Don't put this fucking evil on us.
  11. Analytical STEM folks understand the obvious. Humanities libtards, or at least a particular segment of them, are the ones that are inclined to find ways to cape for the military industrial complex under cover.
  12. What's your shop? PM if you'd rather not post it here.
  13. Normal brain response. But there are apparently some posters that spend an inordinate amount of time gazing at that baton and thinking about the possibilities.
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