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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I’m reading the cohen critique as focused on his podcasts, TikTok’s, etc. over the last couple weeks. They’re funny and dunking on trump should always be welcomed, but I also hope they don’t damage the current case.
  2. Noem is apparently both.
  3. This cunt seems like she fucking sucks.
  4. I chose it cause there wasn’t a “guilty, no real consequences, loses election” option. I agree, no way he pleads out but none of the guilty verdicts with teeth will come down before the election.
  5. Damn, no trial tomorrow? Also, thanks for posting, really appreciate it!!
  6. I actually sort of agree/disagree. Like noted up thread about 5 pages back, the penalties are toothless. I think he will be convicted but no jail time or anything actually severe will happen. Essentially a big nothing burger since he won't yet suffer any real consequences.
  7. No, I would think even a senile old coot is better than a treasonous shit heel rapist that is twice as dumb but just has the benefit of not constantly battling his tendency to speak with a lisp. Biden is in cognitive decline but he at least is a patriotic American. Trump is just a traitor and that is currently twice as stupid as Biden but is also nearing the cliff of dementia ever day.
  8. Did…. You never see a hurricane path drawn by a sharpie?
  9. Say what now? Haven’t paid the most attention but what’s the disconnect from this: The New York Times cited four unnamed Israeli officials as acknowledging that Israel was responsible for the attack. Not saying there for sure was an attack but seems like the Iranian embassy was attacked by Israel.
  10. I’m assuming the election will make the price fluctuate like the aggy football season rollercoaster, but what’s a realistic value for the stock to hover at in the short term? Low teens? Mid twenties? Forbes said this: SEC S4 filings make clear, that if the stock price remains above $17.50 for 20 out of 30 trading days, Mr Trump will receive an additional 36 million “earnout” or bonus shares.
  11. Felt strong to me but I grew up in Austin. All 4 walls shook up and down, long rumbling. Ultimately a nothing burger but damn freaky for those ten seconds (twss)
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