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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. I hate crotch rocket lane splitters. Don't ride like a dickhead in traffic. Having said that I may have taken a 1979 Suzuki GS750 on an empty road north of Broomfield up to 155. Speed wobble was the snap to reality. There was no video.
    For maybe 90 seconds I once hit 120 mph on I-95 going N @ 0200 on a Tuesday night / Wed. morning.

    Mazda MX-6 turbo.

    Passed a boat load of cops working a wreck, knew they were all busy.
  2. These Stanley insulated cups -- it's just the new Yeti replacement fad? What's so special about them versus literally any of the other 100 insulated cups on the market?
    Poodle Skirt ---> Hula Hoop ---> Pet Rock ---> Cabbage Patch Kids ---> Beanie Babies ---> YETI sticker ---> Fidget Spinner ---> Pit Vipers---> "Stanley" ---> whatever is next.

    It's a Yeti-type with a handle.

    Whoop - de - friggin' - doo.

  3. Checking that door for missing bolts is not something they should have been expected to do at delivery, imo.  

    Does Avis / Dollar General / Hertz check the lug nuts on every car they rent out, whether it has less than 25 miles upon accepting delivery or +15,000 miles (assuming no flat tires & obv. less than enough usage to require replacement due to wear)?

    *similar to the response by @beej

  4. I wind up throwing away shit that's just sitting on the counter or doesn't need to be in the fridge anymore.
    I ask "Hey - do we still need this half full cup of Dr. Pepper from last night? Can we throw that away?"
    Or - the best - "the glasses that belong in the dishwasher (or the sink at least) just sitting there with liquid in them... ?"

    Response: "How about you just deal with YOUR crap & leave my stuff alone?"

    Me: "Well, I can't actually GET to "my crap" with all of your ancient & derelict stuff that's packed in front of "my crap"."

    Same goes for all the odd baking products in the pantry that she got interested in for a hot second & is now scattered across various shelves & seems to closely resemble packages of croutons, light brown sugar or bacon bits... but isn't (& you DAMN SURE better not throw out any of her expired stuff!).
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. In our house it's coffee cups. She gets extremely upset if I grab one of "her" cups.
    Y'know how you are @ a restaurant & you & her decide to try each other's food?

    Well, if you swap forks as a part of this sharing then FFS you had better give back HER [fork / spoon], whatevs.

    The randomness of the universe put THAT SPECIFIC & EXACT utensil under her exclusive dominion for the duration of the time spent at THAT table & Fuck You Very Much if you think you're gonna take HER [spoon / fork].

    ¹these same rules apply when dining @ home, her parents, etc.
    ²I like to piss her off by occasionally making a quick hide under the table & clanging them around so she won't know which is which.
  6. It was invented in a financial/property sense and reinforced by religion. Government just followed the script already written.
    Dowry, wife giving up her family name, until the mid-70's women not being able to get bank loans or a credit card or own real property, etc.

    & FWIW, I tell both of my kids that @ it's core, marriage needs to be seen as a legal binding. Who gives a shit if any particular religion says it's through the uprights? F that noise.
    • Hook 'Em 1

  7. ENM is not for everyone, but it's kind of like a social media app. The larger the number of people who adopt it, the better the experience is for everyone, even the people who aren't connected.
    I don't expect it to take hold for another generation or so. The premise is rooted in common sense. It's unrealistic to expect one person to meet all of your needs. Currently the only people who are doing ENM is Gen Z but older generations are also dabbling in it with extremely limited success. The reasons why it's less successful are mostly societal. It's too "weird" to explain and that perception is usually enough to spoil things. That will improve over time though.
    Other reasons it fails is because there was some kind of pressure involved which is actually just unethical nonmonogamy and most advocates would argue isn't "real" ENM. And it shouldn't be. It's not supposed to be a loophole for infidelity or being a philandering asshole. So all these anecdotes about couples "opening up the marriage" are not great counterexamples for whether ENM works.

    You will be single within 2 years. Check back in with us mid Jan 26 (unless a giant meteor has fully completed it's job by then).

    ou sucks

    Now we're getting somewhere.
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