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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. I mean, sure... we already knew you were morons because you gave us Rand Paul & TurtleNeck McConnell, buuuut...


    Really? Trying to "outOklahoma" Oklahoma?


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    A Kentucky Republican introduced legislation that would amend the state's law so a person who had sex with their first cousin would no longer be criminally liable for incest.


    House Bill 269, which state Representative Nick Wilson sponsored, was introduced on January 16 to the House Committee on Committees. According to the Kentucky General Assembly website, it would strike "first cousin from the list of familial relationships" defined as unlawful incest in the state. The amendment would also reduce the designation of incest by contact to a Class D felony for some cases "unless it is committed with a person who is less than twelve years of age," in which case it is Class C.



  2. Trump supporters are making “Nimrata” trend on social media.  
    From the very moment she declared, I have been saying there is Ø way in heII any true Republican would ever vote for someone named Nimarata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley.

    If she were to somehow win the GQP nomination, all Biden would have to do is run ads with her real / full name next to her face & 75% of the red hatted crowd would stay home.
  3. Corgis are assholes. That dog was just minding his own business.
    Luna hates the fuckers 
    My 3 are generally derps.

    As in "a group of crows? Murder. A group of dolphins? Pod. A group of Corgi? Clown car."

    Except the girl - she's a jerk when it comes to getting her back inside. The other 2 come when called & she knowingly stays 15 feet away.
    • Haha 1
  4. 2-3, what?  Happy Endings?  Heroin binges?  Dammit man, use your words!  
    ...decades of weekly visits.

    Chiro's are really just interested in long term clients, IMO.

    Decades ago I was a lowly assistant in a hospital for the Physical Therapy department. They would not accept any referral from a chiro office if said patient had been seen by the ChiroQuacktic more than 2×.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. It’s a good idea to raise your wipers before an ice storm. That’s why raising your wipers is a thing.
    If you try and fail to save your plants, at least you tried.
    I don’t see the problem. Go Trixie.
    (RIP Joyce Randolph.)
    The inference here is that she didn't know the wipers won't get stuck to cardboard.
  6. 54 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    what the fuck is that ink on her left thigh?  

    Redneck-ified version of the "Browning" logo.  Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia outlined with the deer head / antlers thing.

  7. Diners/Waitresses that will pour maybe 2/3 a cup of coffee. Your cheap ass drip swill is probably the highest margin item in the joint. Fill it the fuck up!
    Places with a Keurig (my kid's orthodontist) who have a shit ton of coffee cups, some weird ass tea & Ø hot chcolate.

    Not everyone drinks coffee (me... i don't) & especially the average teenaged patient.
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