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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. *Nimra-ta-ta's.

    "Hell, she isn't even smart enough to know she needs to get a good set of fake ta-tas, if you know what I mean.

    Look at your excellent First Lady - she's got the best ones, everyone says they are the best.

    And Ivanka - she's going to be my Vice President & WOW, would you look at the ones on her? After I'm President again, she will go to the Middle East & one look at her set, those Hamas fighters will want a piece - I mean want peace.

    Everyone is saying it, I have heard.

    But Nimra-no-Tata's, she's not the one for you OR me & of course you know it."

  2. What advice would you give someone that finally had a brief idea of thinking about marriage?

    what would you change

    Ask who she voted for PotUS in '16 & '20. Does that match your preferences?

    What's her religious particulars?

    What is her preferences re: abortion?

    Fun date stuff: Get the "Book of Questions" & start asking each other bits from rando pages.

    As noted , get a LONG look @ her mother... will that even remotely resemble something you will be attracted to in 20 ~ 30 years?

    & Finally, ask her point blank if she will be giving blowjobs¹ when you're both 60?
    (You may think I'm joking, but read this entire thread & you'll see I'm not)

    ¹to you.
    • Like 1

  3. ...she gets completely trounced in the general, because at least a third of the GQP voters will never, ever show up to vote for a dirty brown terrorist slut.

    From the very moment she declared, I have been saying there is Ø way in heII any true Republican would ever vote for someone named Nimarata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley.

    If she were to somehow win the GQP nomination, all Biden would have to do is run ads with her real / full name next to her face & 75% of the red hatted crowd would stay home.

  4. Now I'll be compelled to do that next time I see a green anole on the side of the house.
    Pro tip: Tap them kinda gently on the end of the nose & then hold your finger very close to the tip, it will open wide for maybe 5 seconds.

    Apply Anole to your ear & receive the desired clampdown.

    It doesn't hurt.

    Removal is actually more difficult than installation.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. My brother has lived in Delray Beach for 25 years. Falling iguanas are real!
    This wasn't an issue when I lived in Broward County (28 years ago). The accelerated population from some let loose iguanas hit warp speed around 2005 or something like that.

    The cold weather is actually appreciated by people who want to reduce the population.

    PS... Lizard earrings is also a thing. You weren't a true Floridian if you never did this as a kid [pic].d6f9ac7338cec174146e4a88006b3d47.jpg
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  6. Wife tells me next week there will be a celestial alignment where we can let go of the past.

    So what is the plan?
    HER plan is that you mention something you did - maybe flirted with the cute checkout girl @ the grocery store 18 years ago...

    & She has Ø to add other than to see what you would come up with.

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  7. I'm 100% sure she is gonna let go of that one time 7 years ago on vacation when that blonde waitress with huge tits was flirting with you for 2 seconds and you didn't immediately yell at that slut for flirting with you in front of the woman you love more than life itself.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. I'm just impressed that a swampland like Delray Beach has 3 weeks worth of underground tunnels.  That's a particularly swampy part of East Florida, even by Florida standards.  
    Maybe she was scouting library locations for nearby Florida Atlantic University. 
    Please show us where Delray is "swampy".2c64841502bb33fb3fd56f9113864506.jpg
  9. I would wear that.
    My Judo Sensei had a modern Dō Maru, Ō-Yoroi set, Bogu & Hakama that he purchased while training @ the Kodokan.

    After he passed away in the early 90's, I was supposed to get all of that stuff, however I think his personal possessions were partially raided while most everyone else was @ the memorial service & his Mom never really wanted to talk about it.

    I ended up with a Skandanavian wooden table & 4 chairs.

    The armor (Dø Maru & Ō-Yaroi) were both a deep gloss black with gold trim.

    Altogether, everything would probably be worth close to # 25,000.⁰⁰ in today's dollars; supposedly he got all of this in the mid 70 s.
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