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Posts posted by babysdaddy

  1. The debate going on with Ana is pointless.  Krugman (a moron) wrote an article a while back that I scoffed at when I first read it.  He claimed that debt doesn't matter.  I'm starting to agree with him.  The only thing that matters (and I really don't know how much) is the debt to gdp ratio.  The political argument about enslaving our grandchildren to debt rings pretty hollow to me.  Specifically, if GDP is growing faster than the debt, then maybe the gross number is irrelevant.  We, as a country, are never going to pay back our outstanding debt.  I was shocked to look back and see how many years of surplus we had since WW2 (half of the years took place at the end of Clinton's presidency).  Arguing about what to do, how to do it, and which party is more responsible for our 'problem' seems pretty pointless.   


    This, of course, all falls apart if we are no longer the reserve currency of the world....and Dotard's actions threaten that status.  Especially since he's picking a fight with that Country.

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  2. 13 hours ago, runthebone said:

    No one has ever explained to me how Hans was going to earn 20%

    Die Hard came out in 1988 when the 10 year treasury was yielding somewhere between 8-9%.  He had half that in the bag without risking principal.  He was probably a little overconfident about earning 20 but 15% was easily doable.

  3. Got a text from Mackenzie.  Almost responded the same way Huck did but didn't want to encourage more texting.  Next time I''ll respond with 'send me a pic and I'll vote for Beto'. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Goodman said:

    Judging by the rear of BJ's car, my guess is there is more to this story. The wet street slide has serious BS tone to me. Maybe I've seen too many kids behind the wheel doing stupid shit. Take a Jesuit/Arkie frat kid showing off in Austin and two cars with ut players...

    unless that is KY jelly on the streets, this kid didn't touch his breaks until about 5 feet before he hit 'em.  Quit texting and driving out there.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    She was so damned fine....


    And then she wasn't....


    And now....she be dead.

    Rough stuff.

    Great tangent, though.  Perfect for any discussion of this admin and the political theater.

    Meth? Or did some Meth head pay her so he could hang out and rather than him getting clean, she turned into a methhead and they lived happily ever after (even though they pawned their riding lawnmower for more meth)?

  6. 59 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I am proud and happy to see justice served with the #1 ranking and comments about VY. That considered, the irony for the #2 slot is then very thick for me. If the 2008-2009 Texas team plays that Florida team, we beat that team. 

    Sweet Christ that 2008 season was a fucking visit to The Theatre of the Absurd as a Texas fan:

    -The great game that was the RRR that year, then rolling through Missouri and others.

    -The insane Tech game and Blake fucking Gideon choking the single biggest moment of his fucking life. Then a whole gaggle of Texas fans, dumbfucks that they are/were cheering loudly and publicly for OU in following games after UT's loss to Tech. How those clowns didn't understand that there was no payoff as a UT fan in doing so (recognizing this doesn't effect outcomes on the field is beside the point, this is about the emotions of being a fan and then how that effects others going through the experience) is beyond me, and then watching Stoops do what he always did - run over the weak sisters and run up the score and then plead his fucking case to the voters via the media.

    -Then Art Briles being the piece of human of shit that he is and voting Texas #5 in the coaches poll.

    -Then Chip Brown reporting early that Texas had made it into the BCS game and getting Obloods fans excited and then being totally wrong.

    -Then Texas beating an excellent Ohio State team in a great Fiesta Bowl to cap the season while watching OU then shit the fucking bed to Florida. Fuck me.

    Two teams beat OU by double digits on a neutral field that season. One lost to a top 10 Tech team on the road at night in Lubbock. The other lost to a mediocre, unranked Ole Miss team at home. The latter got to play for, and win, the national title while okies cried in the stands throwing the horns down sign, and the former got to watch it all happen on live tv. 

    This is unhealthy and the UT fan equivalent of cutting oneself.  I feel  emotionally abused reading this and I'm reporting you to the authorities.  Will your next post be about the 2001 Big 12 Championship game?  What about the '84 Georgia game?

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  7. 26 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I'm not sure how I'd handle watching another guy (or two) basically plow my fiance on TV.

    that's the problem with this show.  by the time this episode is shown, becca and guy have been engaged for a few months.  Said guy has to watch the episode where she clearly banged the other dude and came out limping with a crooked smile.  That would be brutal.  I can only imagine how much shit talk I'd get from my buddies.

  8. the coke scene where Greg had to get after it in order to stop Kendall was pretty funny.  I was laughing the whole episode actually.  Show is hitting its stride I think

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  9. 36 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Um, OK.  Try the decaf.  Someone was drawing a comparison about "losing to Kansas" in those two seasons.  Every word in my post is literally a fact.  

    what he meant was, fuck you you sooner fuck.  Only we get to draw factual comparisons about our awesome football games against Kansas. 


    We would be happy to compare Iowa State losses though

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