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Posts posted by babysdaddy

  1. Nobody made money on that deal. Rarely do you see subsequent rounds in venture capital letting earlier investors cash out. Capital is out into the business to attempt to grow it or, in this case, continue to pay salaries and rent.

    She’s a psycho. Patents are worthless. People got fucked.

  2. Jimmy always loves to select certain dates to prove his point.   Jimmy did this when we got into a debate on deficits in the fall of 2016.  Jimmy is smart although misleading unless you're very aware of his date selections and what was going on in the markets during that time.  Same thing with that guy that tried to point out markets are down since January 26th of this year.  

    Trump is an asshole.  So was Obama.  Presidents either get too much or not enough credit on market impacts, depending on your view.  My personal opinion is that Obama very much benefited from his starting point coupled with quantitative easing.  He was hostile towards business....and rightfully so given what was going on in the world that led to his election and his initial 6 months in office.  Interest rate impacts on asset prices are the reason for the exacerbation of wealth inequality over the last decade.  Growth was fine during Obama, probably could've been better, but there was no clarity from DC (both Congress and the President) on tax policy for the longish term.  Once Pubs controlled Congress and the Presidency, markets (correctly) assumed an environment of deregulation, reduced taxes, and generally a postive view on business from DC.  That is what drove markets immediately post election and the tax bill supercharged it from Dec to Jan 26th (!!!).  Earnings have since come in and reduced the Forward PE from 19x to 16x.  So, as markets usually do, info is priced in prior to results.  That is the reason for the flatness since Feb.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Wally Fairway said:

    viewing schedule (all times EDT):
    FS1 - Thur - 9:30a - 4:00p, Fri 10:00a - 4:00p 
    Fox - Thur/Fri - 4:30p - 7:30p, Sat 11:00a - 7:30p, Sun 10:00a - 7:30p

    this is so great.  will make tomorrow and friday enjoyable

  4. 4 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    It's crazy to even entertain the thought that this is positive.  We gave up significant ground, left our South Korean allies flailing in the wind to ingratiate ourselves to arguably the lowest dictator on the 3rd world rung.  What is NK to us?   Nothing.  Yet now, they are "something."  And all the other little tin-pot dictators from Venezuela to Myanmar are thinking "maybe I should get me some nukes so I can get some American attention too."   

    And here we are, the 800 lb. gorilla doing back flips to impress a flea who offers us nothing but a photo op and the same empty promises they've sold us previously.  

    It's at least 'slightly' better than calling each other Dotard and Little Rocket Man via twitter and slingin' rockets over Japan while threatening nuclear annihilation, no?  

  5. 2 hours ago, drewcifer said:

    Did you mean season 4 or are you just making a joke about how you hated season 3?

    Totally forgot about it until I googled it.  Season 2 was one of the best things I've ever watched.  Season 3 was meh

  6. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    that said, i'm totally in, obviously.  the first 3 weeks of the bachelor/bachelorette are my favorite, outside of bip.  because that's when all the drama is, big groups, tension, etc.  once it gets romantic and serious, i typically tune out.  the first 3-4 weeks are also where they figure out who should be on bip, which is all i'm about, really.

    there needs to be a running list of jordan's made up words.  he tries to talk down to someone, which is very difficult when you're making up words and trying to sound smart.  he's already had one that i can't remember, and it's bugging me.  i think it was in ep1.  and now in the previews, he's like, "when people look at me, attached to me is professionality, and..."  while technically a word, he's clearly trying to say "a professionalism".  he's done something like that 2-3x already and it's fantastic.

    also, becca says "i'm not gonna lie..." more than aaron sorkin says, "to say nothing of the fact that..."  it should be a drinking game.

    oh, and the rumor is that colton only went on the show because he thought tia was going to be the bachelorette, which was already in motion, before arie went all arie. i'd still like more details on "i dated tia."  later he said they spent a weekend together.  if i say i dated someone, it implies at least 5 dates over the span of 6+ weeks at least.  otherwise i would say "i hooked up with" or "i went on a couple of dates with".  if he's trying to downplay it, he shouldn't have used the phrase "we dated" like it was a straight up relationship.

    clearly they only kept him on because tia is on next week.

    oh, and i made fun of lincoln for crying, which drew some ire from the wife.  i then had to explain guys to her.  everyone went through this.  when you're around 10-12 years old, everyone matures differently.  at some point, you're playing football or something in someone's yard, and one kid goes down hard and starts crying.  and everyone else is like "dude, he's crying" when in reality, most boys are mere months removed from being that sensitive about things.  when it happens in your 20's over something that "means a lot to me" like that photo you had for 5 minutes, something is wrong.

    that's all for now...

    You got married?

  7. 3 hours ago, BearCountry11 said:

    Yeah, I didn't go quietly but also didn't make a big deal about it.  I just made some comments along the lines of "so glad we could spend that quality time together" and stuff like that.  She's got a week from hell starting today so I figured best not to totally blow up.  Booked a tee time for Thursday evening so I'm coming out even.  

    nice and passive aggressive.  don't fight like that with a woman.

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, sugar said:

    You're a fraud. You obviously have a bogus argument you want to advance per rw programming. You're indistinguishable from a Russian trump bot.

    A Russian Trump bot?  Isn't that you, chief?  Here to sow discord?

  9. Just now, sugar said:

    They're laying the groundwork to fire Mueller etc.

    This is their defense strategy, a mafia hit.

    It's positively Stalinesque.

    Shame on Republicans. You destroyed America.

    You need to get a hold of yourself.  The rhetoric makes your posts lose credibility.

  10. Just now, Fozzz said:

    They have some good journalists, but their editorial board is obviously to the right. 

    Well, of course.  The only way to read anything now is to know which way it leans and discount it back the other way.  

  11. 10 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    The timeline should kind of tip you off that it's a bunch of nonsense. If the FBI was spying on Trump's campaign for political purposes, then why did they go to great lengths to keep everything they learned a secret until after the election? Only Republicans are dumb enough to believe that the FBI would engage in nefarious behavior to keep a Republican from being elected President and not publicly release any of the extremely politically damaging information they had until after he had been elected. And that's not even getting into the fact that the FBI was breaking protocol to publicly tar Hillary's campaign at the same time. 

    I get that but Comey said he specifically did not do that in order to not damage Clinton's credibility as President and the validity of the election.



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