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Posts posted by babysdaddy

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Interesting.  What do the Weekly Standard and National Review have to say?  

    So in your opinion the Wall Street Journal is not a credible news source?

  2. So I'm not following everything as closely as all of you guys here.  We know Trump did shady/illegal shit prior to becoming president, most likely with money laundering, etc.  I'm 99.9% sure he broke the law in some form or fashion prior to the the campaign.  We also know aides have been indicted for stuff prior to the campaign as well.  My question, I guess, centers around this aspect of the dossier/informant/etc. that a lot of posters seem to be ok with since we know he previously did illegal shit. Is this (dossier/spy) the equivalent of planting evidence on a known criminal? Like cops sprinkling crack or planting a weapon?

  3. 4 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    i would argue that he independent/moderate contingent would be more right leaning than left, without doing any analysis on who voted for which. my thinking is that former republicans who are appalled at the current direction of the party are shying away from both that partisan label, and even the misappropriated "conservative" label, as it's been hijacked by the rush limbaugh crazies.

    Hugo, Judge, and Subliminal all voted as moderate, independents.  The capacity for introspection is limited among those three, apparently.

  4. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’d argue this forum would be way more conservative if the democrats controlled all three branches of government.

    Many of the posters here aren’t really team players, they’re mostly autonomous critics of those in power.

    Some even get paid to post shit all day long, everyday

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/8/2018 at 10:29 PM, Stella Link said:

    This is just Stage 1. 

    Stage 2 is when the roles truly reverse and you have to take care of your parents like they took care of you growing up.  

    Stage 3 is when your kids grow up and become you.

    Stage 4 (the last Stage) is when your kids have to take care of you as you took care of them growing up.

    It all goes in cycles.

    Stage 2 sucks.  Especially with a disabled parent.  



    • Like 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    So, would you say it’s somewhat equivalent to the overly reactionary anti-Obama politics of the Tea Party back in 2010?  Because it was all urgency, rhetoric, conspiracy, and sensationalism.

    The difference IMO: with Trump the rhetoric, conspiracy, and sensationalism isn’t manufactured on lies like it was with Obama.  With Trump, it’s overtly visible for anyone paying attention through Trump’s own words and behavior.  There’s no debate about Trump making Nazis feel good, that happened. There’s no debate about Trump working to subvert the rule of law for his own benifit when he assaults his own Justice Dept and complains about them not jailing his political rivals.  There’s no debate about Trump’s love for brutal authoritarian dictators like Putin and Xi. DO NOT CONGRATULATE.

    But to you I suppose that he’s just trolling and we shouldn’t take it seriously right? 

    Do you get paid by words or paragraphs?

  7. You guys ever think Obama thinks to himself "I really wish I wouldn't have kicked that orange fuck in the balls so hard at the WHCD a few years ago."?

  8. I saw it.  It was fine.  The GotG characters are the best. 


    I think I'm going to pass on seeing anymore superhero movies.  Tapped out.  I'm sad knowing Disney is going to do that to me on Star Wars too.  Fucking mouse.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    What sucks about this is there is no counter propaganda operation.  There are no well orchestrated and coordinated pro Robert Mueller, pro-Rosenstein, pro-DOJ/FBI public relations operations because these institutions are by their very mission, apolitical.

    That’s why what Trump is doing is so dangerous and people like Tahoe just stand there in silence while the very institutions that protect us from tyranny are being dismantled by his team.

    It’s sickening.

    Also, this is pretty good trolling. 

  10. the seeing where calls went/came from seems like not that big of a deal.  Certainly not the masturbatory 'we got em!' feelings some of the above posters postulated about if it was actual recordings of conversations.  

  11. "Bloodbath at Maridoe" is how I'll title my round last Thursday with DDD/LonghornAnth/Chitwood.  "Bloodbath at Maridoe" is how I'll title my round last Thursday with DDD/Longhornanth/Chitwood.  95.....followed up by an 80 the next day with a double on 18.  

    • Like 1
  12. Play both?!?  for $920?  No way. Those courses are worth nowhere near that $$$.  Vegas grossly overcharges for golf (unless you go in the middle of the summer).
    If he was able to play them both for 199 and a caddie fee, then sure.

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