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Posts posted by babysdaddy

  1. 2 hours ago, Planet Houston said:

    I found it interesting that Marian's (Camille's sister that died in childhood) bed was a hospital bed that was equipped for an IV drip.

    This is a total jump to conclusions, but the first thing that popped into my head was that maybe Adorra was poisoning her as a way of "controlling" her, and it went too far.  

    Sixth Sense style....very possible.


    Lots of lesbo vibes.  Some between little sis and AA and then the girlfriend in the cheerleader outfit.  Clearly was hoping for a three-way?  or am i projecting (totes possible btw)

  2. 4 and a 1 year old here.  1 year old goes down about 7:30 and sleeps 12 hours.  The 4 year old goes down about 8:30 and sleeps until 7:30.  We did a night nanny as well and it was the best $ I've ever spent.  

  3. the amount of money she raised on nothing but shit is fucking amazing.  The damn thing was a fraud and worth $9B at the last raise.  The fact that no legitimate healthcare VC in SV invested in the thing should've been a huge flag to everyone.  Can't believe Rupert Murdoch dropped in $125mm as the WSJ was writing their initial piece.  All he had to do was ask.  The book is great.

  4. 6 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    25?  Try 35:

    Image result for texas congressional districts 35

    How does this even happen?  One assumption I've always had when reading about gerrymandering is it is done specifically to help republicans.  Maybe this does help them out overall but I was surprised to see this district was represented by Dogett who is a D.

  5. 4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Hugo- Why do you always post the lineup for Fox & Friends? 


    All that video of the kid getting his MAGA hat stolen does is encourage victimhood by the true believers.  

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