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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. I got my little ass blistered today in the 15k. Normally I am Top 3 in age group but today I was 13th overall and 7th in age group (40-44). Very humbling and it’s time to get back in the pain cave.
  2. You will not regret it. Keep me updated
  3. The 70.3 is less than 6 weeks away and it's amazing how much more prepared I am this year compared to last. I am one of those people that have to do something first and learn the hard way for the next time. I've done several 50 mile rides this time and ran after and have been able to hold a 7:00 mile after the bike ride so I feel like a sub 5:30 is very possible this year. Saturday, I have a 15k race that is very hilly but should be able to hold a 6:42 pace the whole time and then Sunday will do a 60 mile ride and run 4 miles after. I've improved on swimming but still hate it. Thank God for a wetsuit legal race.
  4. I guess it shouldn’t shock me that a lot of cops like Trump even thought he had their “ brothers “ assaulted on January 6. The Thin Blue Line is very thin.
  5. They’ve already moved on to how unfair this is. When he made fun of John McCain and didn’t catch any shit for it I knew there isn’t anything he can do that they won’t justify. I am sure he will grift the hell out of them with this.
  6. I think this is a mistake. It’s just going to make his idiot supporters like him more.
  7. I actually have a theory that Lee Greenwood is behind the September 11 terror attacks. He was on tv selling leather jackets for a few years and then 2 days after the attacks he is singing in the World Series. He had a motive.
  8. It was a few weeks ago but can someone send the link again talking about how Tesla’s are falling behind now and how the self driving shit will never work the way they do it. I am arguing with a fanboi.
  9. and then you piss off the public when they read this online.
  10. You’re a good poster so I am happy for you. Fuck what anyone really thinks.
  11. Yep. My work got mad when I didn’t respond to something they sent 3 times. I told them if it’s important enough then send it 4 times. I wish they would deactivate my fucking email. All I get are phishing emails from them trying to get me to click on a link which will result in more online training.
  12. This is why I love this website. Someone on here has a connection to anything and everything.
  13. Man… some of y’all need to get a fucking divorce.
  14. Fuck. I think I have a boner now and I am not sure what to do with it……but I have an idea.
  15. The biggest atrocity of all will be when the Mexicans rebuild Ukraine and I can’t get any decent goddamn tacos. I will never get over this.
  16. I absolutely love it when I can cram a run in the morning before the day begins. There is something peaceful about it. We always meet my father in law for breakfast on Saturday morning at 7:20 am so I have to be up at 5 and running by 5:30 if I am going to do 10 miles.
  17. Ran 9 yesterday and then ran 11 today in 28 degree weather and it wasn’t that bad. I will ride Peloton tomorrow for 2 hours and then maybe run3 miles if it isn’t raining. I am starting to have doubts about doing the full Ironman in September but I think when it warms up in March and I can get on the bike outside that will change. I’ve been doing 90 minute spin classes at 5am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it’s just getting annoying waking up at 4 am. One thing that will help for the 70.3 in May is there is a group of 6 of us doing it and 4 are young dudes who are good runners and help push me. We meet at 6:15 am Monday Wednesday and Friday and run. Sometimes pace is sub 7 sometimes pace is 8. It will be fun training with them on the bike and starting together on race day. I look forward to watching them bonk on the run.
  18. Lol at first I was like what the hell man. It’s all good.
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