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  1. I agree and that makes him worse imo. Compete sellout.
  2. I still cannot believe Trump picked him after the shit he said about Trump. That’s unlike Trump to do that since he is all about loyalty but then again Donny Dementia is getting old and slippin.
  3. And just like that another person loses everything because they wanted to be associated with Trump I’ve had a theory that the Democrats put Biden out there to debate so this would all happen otherwise he wouldn’t have stepped down.
  4. I did a 15 mile trail race last year that was actually 18 ( they switched the course that morning and the race was known for wacky shit like this ) and I was honestly scared at one point. You run down Lookout Mountain in Ga and then come back up and the last 3 miles are the climb up. I ran it with 2 guys I can compete with on the road but it was my first trail race and I realized at mile 4 I couldn’t keep up and told them I would try to catch up. I had gotten the best advice ever and that was on each of the 2 water stops I better fill up and thank God I did. Anyways , things were going ok and surprisingly I was running top 12 come to find out until mile14 and then the wheels started coming off and I asked a guy I was running beside if I would know when we started the ascent up or is it gradual and he just laughed. Well, I get there and I said oh fuck. It’s single lane almost straight up and for 2 miles I averaged 23 minutes a mile and I was out of water. I had thoughts of quitting but I had to get to finish line to quit as it was the only way out. It was all I could do. I was literally walking 12 steps and resting and letting anyone who wanted pass me. The best part is when I finish my 2 buddies are already changed and having a good time and I asked them if they went to Applebees for brunch while they waited on me. They said they realized at mile 8 the course was going to be long and was worried I would be pissed. I ended up finishing 44 out of 110 people so overall not bad but it’s the most scared I’ve ever been. I told them that was my first and last trail race. I had to pull over 3 times driving home to stretch. They had a 50 mile trail race that same day and one of the guys I paced at the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon was racing it and we talked for a little at mile 5 as it’s the same course for the first 18 miles and he ended up finishing 4th overall. I tell that dumb story to say this. I’m doing it again this year for redemption.
  5. It’s funny how quickly we forget the pain we were previously in
  6. I just didn’t know what to expect and I was on a borrowed bike. I couldn’t really run after and limped home at 6:30 finish.
  7. 2 different people said at mile 85 you are halfway done with the ride and that has stuck with me. I never want to experience what I did in my first 70.3. I had a 2:29:58 half marathon only because I refused to have a 2:30. It still haunts me. I think it’s easy to get suckered in on the bike as ya feel good at 70 and you are more than halfway done by mileage and people probably think on race day adrenaline will carry them. I think you are more than ready for your 70.3. I still might do a non Ironman 70.3 in 3 weeks as a training day but I am going back to Florida 5 days after I get back for a guys trip and it will only give me 4 days to dry out from alcohol.
  8. I will be 9 weeks out on Sunday and I feel so far behind all because my long ride was canceled last week. I rode 2 hours on spin bike at 5 am this morning and will do it again Thursday. Saturday I am riding 75 and running 6. My wife told me last night she wants to go to the beach and take our 3 year old for his first trip and I successfully navigated a Sunday- Thursday so I can get my long brick in this weekend. I will spend a lot of time running in Florida and may go to the Y one morning for a spin class. 2 guys I run with who have both done Kona keep telling me to ride ride ride and it’s starting to fuck with me and they know it but I know they are telling the truth. I think I can crack a 10:40 after looking at things.
  9. The best part about it is the only election Biden has ever won outside of his state was the one that beat Donny. Donny will always have that L with him.
  10. So, I ran 12 miles 2 days in a row. I don't know if that is smart or not but figured it will help me getting used to running on tired legs. I only spent about 2.5 hours total on bike last week so I will make a big adjustment this week as we are 8 weeks and 6 days away. I did run 55 miles last week. Today I am swimming for an hour.
  11. Fucking rain ruined my brick. Ran 12 slow instead.
  12. You are making the most of your trip. Punish the bike when you get back. I have a little something to add for you tomorrow
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