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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bullneck

  1. On 4/20/2018 at 2:43 AM, Hate said:

    I believe in miracles.

    Where you from, you sexy thing?

    On 4/20/2018 at 4:42 AM, El Diablo said:

    I believe in 8 of the 10 Commandments.

    I believe that sex is the most natural, wholesome and good thing that money can buy.

    And I believe that a woman should be placed on a pedestal. High enough up that you can look up her dress.

    I believe that Donald Trump can make this country what it once was - a land covered in slabs of Arctic ice.

    Moses came down from the mountain and said, "OK, I got some good news and some bad news.  The good news is I got Him down to Ten.  The bad news is adultery is still one of them."

  2. On 4/11/2018 at 10:45 AM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    His first family was hacked to bits by an insane maid. She boarded up some key exits to the Taliesan east house in Wisconsin , set the house on fire and then as the family exited the one door she left open she did a Lizzie Borden on em.

    He was an arrogant prig who hated the attention all the European architects practicing international architecture received.

    There's a little Usonian home in my wifes' home town overlooking a beautiful piece of water. Cool house painted international orange as a requirement by Wright. It went up for sale some months back, not sure if its sold yet.

    You're close on most of this . . .  

    Wright left his family in Oak Park for Mamah Borthwick Cheney, herself a married woman with children.  They moved to Taliesin in Spring Green, where a male servant set fire to the studio after blocking several of the doors.  The attacked survivors of the fire as they attempted to flee.  I don't recall exactly who or how many died but I think among them were Cheney and her children (and some others).  



    On 4/10/2018 at 7:44 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    2,500 year concrete structure in Rome w/ a 24' open sky  ocular  in the roof and the largest dome in the world for 1,300 years.


  3. On 3/28/2018 at 3:29 PM, Ldogg53 said:

    In HS we used to play pickup games of hoops with Rodney Hampton when he was playing for the Giants. 

    Hung out with Joe Rogan at a bar one night.

    Worked for UT Athletics my last year in Austin(1997-98) so got to meet tons of people there as well as our athletes. Too many to list.

    Know Leland Sklar and his wife fairly well.  Enough so that we've been to each other's homes. (he's one of the most famous bass guitarists)


    Otherwise I've met a bunch just randomly in life.  Dustin Hoffman, George W Bush,  Chelsea Clinton, Heather Locklear, Robert and Jonathon Kraft(and a bunch of 2001 Patriots), Dennis Miller, Boomer Esiason, Lamar Lathon, Jack Pardee, Bryan Cox, Warren Moon, Craig Biggio, Moises Alou, Vinny Castilla, Jose Cruz, Billy Gibbons, Willie Nelson

    No Andres Gallaraga or Diron Talbert?

  4. On 4/21/2018 at 7:53 AM, texanbychoice said:


    He’s a pedophile though.


    Really?  Other than some rival team fan's singing, what makes you so sure?  Or is that enough?

  5. On 4/19/2018 at 8:24 AM, bernorange said:

    Alexa.com rankings are, at best, based upon flawed or incomplete data.  I'm not familiar with stuffgate, but their valuation calculation is clearly FUBAR because the real valuation for this site would be closer to tree fiddy.

    too soon!

  6. 5 hours ago, TornACL said:

    They did one of these barnstorming things in Fort Worth when Mack hired all the new assistant coaches in his last gasp attempt to save the program. It was really cool because they actually had all the coaches attend. They were milling around and you could talk some football with them after all the clownshow fans got done getting their stupid pictures taken with them or getting autographs or whatever.

    I just remember that the OL coach Stacy Searels was convinced that my buddy and I were $9.95 bloggers or sportswriters who had infiltrated the event to get some info undercover. He would "answer" any question we had with questions back to us about we do for a living. Harsin was a weirdo. Major cussed a lot.

    I wish I knew which / how many coaches were attending at Fort Worth. If it's just like Beck and the kicking coach then I don't know I'll probably blow it off.

    Pretty funny

  7. 2 hours ago, satyanash said:

    Difficult to say if this is the case. At the time, it was Federer's fourth straight win over Roddick. But Roddick actually defeated Federer the very next time they met, to win the 2003 Rogers Cup Masters in Toronto.

    Of course, Federer would go on to beat Roddick the next 11 times in a row :D


    Watching the match live it seemed that Roddick was very dangerous that day and up to that point was the better player.  I also think we would have blown Alabama out of the Rose Bowl had Colt played at least one half of football.

  8. ^^^^ Look at 18:01 in this vid.  That's the moment that changed the match and I think the direction of both of their careers.  Roddick had a set point at 6-5 in the tiebreaker and hit the tape (and lost the point).  Lost the set.  Lost the match.  Finished his career with 1 grand slam win.

    • Like 1
  9. Quote

    Here are the best bullet points:


  10. 4 hours ago, shakahorn said:

    Cedeno wasn't part of the Big Red Machine.  Do you mean Geronimo?  I don't think it's fair to say that Rose was "at best" third-best on those teams.  Maybe any given year he might have been third-best, but for the lifespan of the Machine, it comes down to Bench, Morgan, and Rose and any one of the three could easily be called the best.  And I can't stand Pete Rose...well, current day Pete Rose anyway.

    Yes, Cesar Geronimo.  Blast from the past.

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