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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Insert polling data showing Paxton and Trump's constituents are MORE likely to vote for him after indictment here.
  2. About 15 years ago, Madonna reportedly shopped around the idea of her starring in an updated production of Casablanca with her as Ilsa and Ashton Kucher as Rick. To the shock of absolutely no one, every studio passed on this idea. I'm 53 and Madonna exploded while I was in high school. I'm one of those who never got her appeal at all. I think Ray of Light is the only song she's ever recorded that I actually enjoy hearing. But to each their own.
  3. To go along with his what....3 houses in Texas? Not bad on his salary. He must have a really solid financial advisor [emoji849]
  4. Solomon brings the soul and the humorous twists with some delicious lyrical changes. "If you come to my house baby, you can just...smoke my cee-gar!" "What are you doing in there? Gimme my checkbook back and don't take my credit cards." He breaks up the entire band at the end. "What in the heck is goin' on there? Have y'all got religion?"
  5. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/former-round-rock-pastor-pleads-guilty-child-pornography-charges/ Former pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Round Rock. Caught with 100,000 pics and 5,000 videos of child sexual abuse on his computers.
  6. All day, every day. Can't convince myself to wear a smartwatch although I suppose the day will come when the vital signs/health tracking of wearable devices will be too much to ignore. Personally I've found smartwatches to be a springboard to extreme inattentiveness & borderline rude behavior by many wearers. Most adults seem to be able to keep their phones tucked away during a meeting or personal interaction, but it's amazing at how many people think nothing of staring at their wrist non-stop instead of paying attention to what's going on in the room.
  7. Maybe the building plans are designs for mausoleums at his golf courses for Melanie, Junior, etc., when they meet their untimely demise? Burying secrets w/ Ivanka was easy enough, but now he'll have to dig 'em back up. Phase II is to have them kept in an environmentally controlled, tacky MAGA tomb.
  8. If there's a silver lining about being between jobs (unexpectedly), it's looking at your old habits with new eyes. When I got the job elimination notice in late April I knew that we'd have to take a deep look at our spending and adjust accordingly in the event that I end up being under-employed or if I can't find a suitable job by year's end. Man, just being a "social drinker" and "meeting the gang at the pub for a pint or two" after work sure sounds innocuous. What? I was drinking 4, sometimes 5 days a week? How much money was I literally pissing away? The friends certainly were understanding about the job situation. "Hey, this round is on us. Relax. Take your time finding a new job." After a few weeks of taking them up on their generosity I told them that the next drink I had at one of our hang outs would be one I bought myself after I had collected my first paycheck from my next job. Some thought I was joking. Or crazy. One in particular was DEEPLY concerned that I was TOO focused on my job search and not "getting enough social time and fresh air." This is the same friend who went through a similar situation when his job was eliminated from a Big Co about ten years ago. He's in his mid 60s now. Never went back to work. He's content with his pension & his wife slogging it out as a teacher to cover their insurance needs & some of their bar tab. Gee. I sure do seem to have a lot of friends who drink pretty heavily. And when we meet up, it's almost exclusively at a pub or brewery or someone's backyard with a cooler full of beer always nearby. We've got other things in common than just drinking, right? Most of us, anyway. They're all close friends & neighbors. Most are older than us. So their perspective is "oh, you're fine. Why, when I was your age I was staying out until...." But we do have more in common than drinking. It's taken this break by me to see those common interests and friendships in a new light. Are you socializing or enabling? I'm looking at you, sport. My beer fridge has been empty since mid-May. We don't have any wine/spirits in the house. My wife has the occasional lo-cal cider and I've shared a couple of those with her when trying to cool down from this heat on the weekend. So probably a total of a half dozen alcoholic drinks in the last 6 weeks vs the 2-3 beers I'd have when unwinding from work with the guys. A far cry from putting a big--sometimes entire--dent in a six pack of IPAs while smoking a brisket on a Saturday. Beer fridge is empty? Big deal. If so and so shows up to shoot the shit 'neath the patio cover and he didn't bring his own beer to drink he'll have to deal with water or Spindrift. I'm not missing it. I've met the gang at a pub a few times while they did their usual and I drank water. My wife's grateful for the money we're saving, the couple of pounds I've shed, and my improved presence when I'm with her. Do I look forward to buying that round of beers with that next paycheck? You're damn right. But as a sense of accomplishment & pride. And it will be one round. Then I'll switch to water while I talk to my friends. Then go home to my wife. And continue to build upon what I'm learning through this experience. I don't have a problem drinking a beer or two now and then. But I do have a problem if I return to the mindset that my friendships are dependent upon my drinking alcohol with them whenever we meet up.
  9. I can't think of anything MORE Trump-like than for him to leave the top secret documents within easy reach. I have no doubt he has piles of papers and docs strategically strewn about so that when he casually brings guests through they think "wow, Trump is totally super busy working on VERY IMPORTANT things. Just look at those mounds of paper! And that folder clearly says Top Secret!!!" Without the money shot document instantly reachable and in plain view, the image changes from Trump being super-duper busy working on top secret stuff to Trump just being a slob. Which he is.
  10. "Bravado" in 2023 = "grab 'em by the pussy" in 2016. Dotard can say whatever, whenever & the GQP just collectively says "he's such a scamp" while they cast their vote.
  11. You mean after all these years you're still not familiar with Trump's dog whistles to his minions to...ahem, take care of that little thing like a wannabe mafioso?
  12. What's the make/model of your PC? You might be better off spending a little more ($150 or so) for a manufacturer's docking station with multiple HDMI/DisplayPort outputs.
  13. Anything to read from the fact she's not wearing her wedding ring in any of her recent pics in DC? Did she kick her KLBJ producer hubby to the curb in order to sniff Ted Cruz's stank finger? I guess she's not gonna run on the "family values" ticket during the next cycle.
  14. 3 San Antonio cops charged with murder Did those 3 brave warriors fear for their lives when this lady wielded a hammer inside of her apartment? Were they in imminent danger of being somehow struck by said hammer with the walls, doors and windows between them? Might as well fill her full of lead.
  15. So what brave journalist is going to hold Greg's feet to the fire and ask him about this deleted tweet during his next press conference?
  16. Guaranteed it's one of the following: LetsGoBrandon TrumpIsLord2024_24/7 BoebertIsAB!tch
  17. I've got as much sympathy for the family impacted by this as I do for the billionaires who were killed in the Titan submersible implosion: zero. If your "safety features" for your firearms can easily be undone by a toddler still shitting in diapers then you didn't really have any safety features. Your own stupidity caused your death, and one can only hope that the 2 year old is too young to have any memory of the trauma your carelessness brought about.
  18. I'm mildly surprised Meatball didn't have one of his aides dress up in hobo clothes and take a shit on the sidewalk so Ron could take the photo op of him looking on in disgust as the link hit the pavement.
  19. Really? Admitting you're a dinosaur, got thrown out with the trash years ahead of your planned exit, and are now scrambling to find a job amidst a talent pool of younger/smarter/cheaper candidates? Not a Surly 1%. I drive a fucking Outback. I know many on this board have had diverse careers across multiple disciplines. Just trying to learn from those who have more experience.
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