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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. last play call was perfect. Ewers fucked it
  2. no man. It's how we piddle with things. We dont dominate. We flirt and then clutch our pearls. We are a lackadaisical team that wins. nothing to be proud of homie
  3. such a true statement and then when he's right one out of ten times he goes "Seeeeee"
  4. 9 month bump This Haverty couch sucks. It's the most uncomfortable couch I have ever owned. Constant feathers coming out of it. $8k wasted. I swear the wife thinks it sucks also but refuses to admit it. Should have bought the Lovesac like she wanted. sigh
  5. Cool, but looks like an aggy doing horns down at 30-31 seconds. Always in their heads
  6. Hmmm based on the look of his 40-yard dash time...
  7. But why don't we hit one in Iran with the message to cut it out? Hell, hit it hard and don't claim responsibility. Iran will know who did it.
  8. First 3 episodes December 15th
  9. I used to listen to this song decades ago and have always thought about the last line. Always thought that shit will never happen again. I'm not so sure anymore. Post office clerks put up signs saying "Position Closed" And secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their coats And janitors padlock the gates for security guards to patrol And bachelors phone up their friends for a drink while the married ones turn on a chat show And they'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow "Gentlemen time please, you know we can't serve anymore" Now the traffic lights change to stop, when there's nothing to go And by five o'clock everything's dead and every third car is a cab And ignorant people sleep in their beds like the doped white mice in the college lab And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all The needle returns to the start of the song And we all sing along like before And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody there The Martians could land in the car park and no one would care Closed-circuit cameras in department stores Shoot the same movie every day And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed Just survive constant action replay And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all The needle returns to the start of the song And we all sing along like before And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow And bill hoardings advertise products that nobody needs While "Angry from Manchester" writes to complain about all the repeats on TV Computer terminals report some gains in the values of copper and tin While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs for the price of a hospital wing And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all The needle returns to the start of the song And we all sing along like before And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all They'll burn down the synagogues at six o'clock And we'll all go along like before And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
  10. What an embarrassment of a schedule. I guarantee you they will talk it up as the hardest schedule known to mankind when they go 6 and 6 or 5 and 7.
  11. Look,I just want Sark to learn and grow. He hasn't recently because he is stubborn and it's going to cost us against better teams
  12. I hear you , but how many of those coaches you mentioned are among the worst redzone offensive? How many passed up points over and over and over because they are stubborn?
  13. Come on man. I would be cool if it was once. But 3times?4times . twice in the same game? I like the guy but for fucks sake it doesn't have to be all black or white. His a great play caller that has been making too many dumb decisssions lately. And fuck his bullshit "all gas and no brakes " even with Ewers. Be ruthless like Steve Spurrier . punish teams and run it up
  14. And the reason he didn't take the points against a very disciplines tough team that just shut out the team you struggle with?
  15. Holy shit. Sark called a good first half. His 4th down calls in the red zone are dumb. His second half calls were odd and MM.didn't help
  16. You sure about that? Play calling and decisions were WTF at times
  17. Fuck all that. I feel good about us getting if we win out. Every game is a championship game. Win out and who gives a fuck because I believe we will be in. Have faith fellow Surly
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