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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Hey man, Im not saying its expensive. Im not even saying its not worth it. But if you dont think the reason thst guy is over here isnt to drum up interest and get some stragglers to sign up for his site, you’re being myopic. You’re doing exactly what they want.  

    You misunderstand! He’s not marketing, he’s branding!  One of the best ways of branding is to select a name that’s already known and in use for something else. Especially if it’s something that the majority of your target demo would be diametrically opposed to. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  2. On 5/24/2018 at 4:15 PM, Ojo Rojo said:

    I saw a documentary or interview on Earl Campbell once and it was talking about his wife and marriage.  It might have actually been his wife talking.  Anyway, she said anytime things would get tense between them or there was a potential argument he would just walk outside and stay away for a while.  She said he never participated in an argument with her.  I'm thinking about trying it.  I'm one to get things out in the open and deal with them and resolve them and move on, but going through the process doesn't work with my wife anyway, so why even try?

    I’ve tried this. She will follow me until she is satisfied that she is done. 

  3. Every year, several grizzlies are relocated as they attempt to settle into a populated area. Every year, a few unlucky hunters and hikers get attacked by grizzlies.  Sometimes the deer/elk/moose hunters are able to kill the bear. 

    To wit:




    i dont know that selling 22 tags is going to do much to the bear pop here other than maybe reduce some of those unwanted interactions. 

    And the ranchers really really want to be able to kill the wolves. Their population has  exploded since being introduced and they take livestock very regularly. 

    Ive heard rumors of anti bear folks raising money to buy all the tags they can, and sit on them, but Wyoming game and fish isn’t selling many out of state tags. 


  4. Son put the ball in play for the first time last night, rbi groundout to tie the game in the last inning. He was so happy. As was I. Hoping that gets him more comfortable in the box. 

    Kids are starting to throw strikes now, which means more balls in play, which means I’m seeing actual baseball, which is fun to watch. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I think we might have played ourselves out of hosting. RPI is down to 20 and we have a losing record against top 50 RPI teams.


    The one thing this team consistently does well is get me hopes up and then crush them.

    Take a look at our last 40 games instead of our last 2. 

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