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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. 1 hour ago, Modessit said:

    So we should not have teachers since nobody should do it for the current pay. Let the parents teach the kids. How much of your current work hours and pay would you have to forfeit if you had to devote time to educating your kids to a level that would get them into college? What's it worth to you to not have to do it yourself? Why is it more acceptable to pay a private school teacher more money than a public school teacher? "But I get better teachers and results with my kids at the private school." Exactly.

    Can't wait for the surly elite to talk about how their wife homeschools their kids because she doesn't have to work - and use that as a reason why teachers don't need to be paid a decent salary to teach kids of the poors.

    We do educate our kids at home.  It’s cost us a good deal of income over the past 4 years. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Modessit said:
    2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:
    Wrong. Some do. Many, including most decent paying ones, do not. 

    How many not decent paying jobs do? Besides teaching?

    Hey, you’re right. Only an idiot would chose teaching as a profession. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    I would much favor solutions like this where students can maintain some sense of normalcy rather than go to school in a prison until they are 18. I still maintain that securing the school in this manner will just open up other targets. Walk on a bus with a gun at dismissal time and it’s only a matter of how many bullets you have....

    Those targets are already open. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, huge said:

    Anyone saying that an AR isn’t the best way available to kill a lot of people is just being dishonest.


    Guy that has been thinking about buying an AR.

    If it took me 6 months to get through the process I’d be fine with that.

    It’s tough to conceal and 2 hand use. If you limit rate of fire and mag cap, it’s less useful in that environment even if it’s still more deadly per round. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, NorLa Horns said:

    frankly, I'm not near as concerned about second and third choices at WR this year as I am at DL. WR is stocked coast to coast, and we seem to be having pull on both ends. 

    the big12 is a 7 on 7 dream. DB and WR come out of here. and they know it. so we are gonna get ours.

    DL, not so much. IDK if its the continual shots to the head. but DL doesnt seem to grasp what Texas is selling. is it Giles? are they all afraid of getting stuck at nose and only getting to soak up double teams to make the rest of the D look good? 

    they need to solve this problem. and solve it quick. I think a good season this year will go a long way to changing the DL recruiting flow. So, i'm not that worried. but its sucks to think about it in the now.

    side note:Texas still hasnt offered Jaylem Ellis. if they havent by now, that means they arent. because? reasons!!

    Stuck at nose like Poona ford was?

  6. 4 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    I'd love nothing more than to see the SEC (especially aggy) get hosed but I disagree that the SEC hasn't been good at baseball. In fact, I can't remember a time when the SEC wasn't good at baseball. Now have they been given the benefit of the doubt more than they should? Absolutely. But I don't see how that's relevant to this year when they are actually good and likely deserving of a ton of bids.

    How does their conference schedule work now?  I doubt they play 13 series, do they?  Did all the top 20 teams play each other?

  7. 48 minutes ago, freyguy said:

    This is a very fascinating discussion y'all are having.  Know that the rest of us are on pins and needles, hoping this is intellectually brought to an ultimate conclusion.  I'd hate to think these poor kids were killed in a less than efficient or un-optimally powerful manner....

    How about this:  why burn political capital on banning “assault rifles” if it won’t do anything to the number of attacks or the mortality rate of the attacks?

    lets use it on measures that actually make sense.  

  8. 30 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:


    Not quite, 28-10 since conference play started. Still pretty good.


    I’m saying if we won the tournament next week, which would add some wins and no more than1 loss. 

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