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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Trumps briefing was probably just porno. Or maybe one of these with the cover changed to look more official.
  2. This is exactly right. The whole successful, self-made entrepreneur image, goes out the window when your videos have the constant chirp from a smoke detector that needs a battery and show a couple of air-mattresses on the floor.
  3. Thats actually a required part of the plan. Biden taking the oath of office is apparently a treasonous offense punishable by death.
  4. Nope, they still trust the plan. Flynn has already ordered the Hospital Ship Mercy to take Biden and all democrats to GITMO, where they will be prosecuted in a military tribunal by Sydney Powell, found guilty and hanged for treason. We are reaching the pinnacle of a media psyop campaign. Anons have learned not to trust the mainstream media since 2017Now is not the time to forget that lesson for everyone...only folks to listen too are POTUS/Anons/SP/LW/RG/FLYNN/and othersFISA=STARTFlynn Touted a D5 decode today and so did POTUSits all starting to come togetherfolks when i mean buckle up i mean buckle upthis Trial i believe is going to much different than everyone thinksMilitary TribunalsFast-trackedClean & SwiftQ
  5. "The delay was because I was trying to pass a Pringles can sized shit and it was very uncooperative."
  6. This. Just like the Qtards. Deep down, they hope that millions of children in the US are being sexually assaulted and eaten by democrats every year.
  7. Dude, go to the TexAg thread, They think you should make your weakest claims at the trial court, get denied and then you get to raise totally different, more important claims at the SC. They are retards.
  8. Yeah, the hunting portion of the board is chock full of posts from adults with kids who are talking about "saving up for a new Polaris." It's crazy.
  9. Is this a "You Can't Do That on Television Reference?"
  10. Youtube is the Encyclopedia Brittanica for trailer trash.
  11. https://discussions.texasbowhunter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=783738&page=97 Here is another group of people that are convinced its 8D chess. These guys hate education, love Q and a lot of them are poor and generally dumb. However, there is also the occasional South Texas oil trust fund baby that is all in on Q as well. It's worth a laugh if you have the time.
  12. Why are they so stupid? They seem very set on the belief that since Trump isn't paying her she technically can't be his lawyer. These are college educated adults right?
  13. Am I the only one who is relieved that Sydney Powell wasn't referring to her snatch when she threatened to release the Kracken?
  14. What color goes with "organ failure gray?" What kind of store is that? The brass knuckles clearly have a price tag but you are correct in that he is in the women's section.
  15. It's weird that a guy who obviously has no teeth wants to knock out someone else's teeth. Clearly he is jealous of those with teeth. Also, that's a lot of denim.
  16. To be fair, Dylan Roof and the El Paso shooter were outside of their budget. The two dudes who killed the black kid in Georgia would have been a nice get as well.
  17. He went to work on some island that was involved with the Survivor television show and then they ran him off because he is a worthless piece of shit. He is a garbage human. I feel bad for his kids because they don't know what a complete piece of shit their father is.
  18. You know what people who are actually innocent of crimes get sentenced to in Williamson County? Probation. When I stated practicing, Wilco DA's office would make 2 offers. If your client would agree to plead guilty without having seen any discovery, they would recommend deferred or probation. If you wanted to see the evidence against your client, then the offer was TDC. Shamefully, a lot of attorneys didn't realize how fucking improper and unethical this was. This was John Bradley's policy. He is an awful piece of shit.
  19. Saw the militia guys referred to as "The Gravy Seals" in another forum.
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