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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. How fast is he? Bench bat and pinch runner in extra innings maybe. I mean I guess I’d rather have him pinch hit for Maldy than JJ or Dubon or somebody. Yordan LF, Mancini 1B, Conforto DH? I’ll waste all night on this. Need to take advantage of no game tonight to get some work done. Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in.
  2. Boras has said that he will sign this year. But if all he can do is DH that is worrisome for how they feel about Alvarez. His surgery was on his throwing shoulder. But I did see a rumor that he had a closed workout with the Astros on Monday and hit live pitching. Four months off of shoulder surgery on throwing arm is not encouraging for playing outfield. Just what we need is more walking wounded. But could be a bench bat for playoffs or a move for next year also. Probably just Boras stirring the pot.
  3. Yeah I saw 5 contending teams were inquiring about him. But I doubt any have the opportunity in the OF that the Astros do. But I don’t know I really don’t pay much attention to others.
  4. I saw that Click was pumping the brakes this morning on Y. Diaz being called up. I wonder if because something going on with Conforto. If he’s healthy he’d be a fool to pass up a chance to come back to a World Series opportunity. Unless he thinks he would get more than $15 mil next year coming off an injury. I believe he is a Boras guy. I think that’s a more than fair offer though.
  5. Off topic but I wish they would wear gray pants with the Space City tops. Would eliminate the pajamas look. ok back to the game.
  6. Why Click keeps beating the Jake Meyers is a top of the heap center fielder is beyond me. He’s going to be 27 next year I believe. He’s Lewis Brinson with a Beatles haircut. I predict he will never play another regular season game in Houston. They will definitely upgrade the outfield this winter and either he will be thrown in a trade as a guy who needs a change of scenery or he will go to spring training and not make the roster. But if we are trotting him out to centerfield next year Click should be barred from Minute Maid. One of two things is true for Jake, he is either not a very good player or he was not fully healed. In either event, he should never have spent so much time here clogging up the lineup and that’s on Click. Our best pitcher won’t even allow him to play behind him. That’s all you need to know.
  7. Just put them all on the IL and be done with it. Piece together lineups for a couple weeks and deal with it. Let everybody come back in a couple weeks, get tuned up for October and kick ass. It’s not like Yordan has been hitting anyway. And Maldy is Maldy. He won’t be here forever. These pitchers gonna have to trust somebody else at some point.
  8. Corso can’t complete a thought or form a sentence and he sounded smarter than Howard.
  9. No hitter no hitter no hitter. I don’t know if the jinx works if the team being no hit says it but what the hell.
  10. Click just interviewed on MLB said he expects Vazquez to get more playing time the rest of the season as he learns the pitchers. Hope Dusty was watching.
  11. Blue Bell Banana Pudding has been a favorite since I was a kid and it’s always been hit or miss trying to find it. I have the sads. I hope they bring it back.
  12. Peña wins the shortstop contest for the series. Can we get a clean 9th for once?
  13. Has Jake never heard of a slump buster? Go find a fat girl kid.
  14. Meyers in CF just aggravates the hell out of me. There is no way he is in a major league outfield next year.
  15. Don’t start me lying how they figure it. But I know his adjusted home runs adjusted for Minute Maid were 23 I believe when he actually had 10. I didn’t even know they figured that stuff.
  16. Mancini! loud out in Bmore is a 3 run dinger in Htown. He’d have near 30 HRs now if he played here all year according to the expected stats
  17. Not much on free agent market in OF but I don’t rule out a winter trade. We will still have some pitching and who knows who will be dumping salary. We may need a whole new bullpen. Good grief
  18. I actually was thinking the same. I wish the September call ups were still larger so he could come up and play some. If he is at first that saves up a lot of money to put in the outfield next year. But I do like Mancini and won’t be mad at it.
  19. Mancini may never want to leave Minute Maid. I think he likes it here. Hear there may be an opening at first next year.
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