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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. 😂 From a 99% out to third base. I’ll take it in a 2-1 game but I still feel kinda bad for that left fielder. Nice job Breggy.
  2. Somebody get Deshaun Watson’s Rolodex and get Pressly a massage
  3. I don’t know how you would measure it but I swear Altuve is throwing harder to first than he has in a couple years.
  4. Something personal between Altuve and Sanchez or maybe it’s cumulative from being thrown inside all year and Altuve’s just in a bad mood and Sanchez is the one he finally reacted to. Definitely affected this whole game now. And Verlander is sitting around now.
  5. Altuve deserves, and will deserve, all this hype that Correa is getting. He will have spent a career here busting his ass, baserunning blunders or not, to make this team better from ground up. I’m not a Correa hater by any means and he was heck of a player while here, when he played. Somehow this welcome doesn’t match a 2 time all star who missed a bunch of games. Some under mysterious circumstances. Maybe I am a hater. I don’t know. Not trying to be. But I’m the kind of guy that you’re either with me or against me. He’s gone. Jeremy Peña is my shortstop and this is my team. 2019 Astros are gone. Save all the videos and crap til everybody is in street clothes. Hope we can still be friends 😂
  6. I’m already sick of all the Correa hype. Dude is gone. If you ain’t here who cares. He was only here 7 years not a career, and he’s only been an All Star twice and missed a load of games. I know I’m in the minority but I don’t miss him. I miss Springer much more. The hole he left in the outfield still isn’t filled. Correa is hyped because he was a first overall pick and liked to toot his own horn. But I’m fine with Peña and $34 million in payroll saved. I will now take my beating from the Correa marks.
  7. Now Altuve has a sore shoulder and is out. Let’s never score 20+ runs again.
  8. They shall rise up and lead us…Dubon and Alvarez back in the lineup today.
  9. Bizzaro world. Jake looking better at the plate than Jose or Yuli. nevermind. Yuli found a double and Jake gets thrown out.
  10. Atta boy Jake! You win a 3 day free pass!
  11. Cmon Jake. I won’t say anything bad for at least 72 hours.
  12. I think tonight is the night Vazquez gets the big hit. He’s due for a bomb.
  13. Click not trading for a competent outfielder is a major fuckup
  14. Got to go outfield shopping this winter.
  15. Yordan pissed he’s missing this. Lol
  16. Bregs baby is better than cutting the head off a live rooster.
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