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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. "When students return, school districts will not be required to mandate students wear masks or test them for COVID-19 symptoms, said Frank Ward, a spokesperson for the Texas Education Agency." Similar loophole? School districts aren't required to mandate students wear masks but they can require it if they choose?
  2. Maybe his suit jacket is tailored too tight to make him look smaller? Maybe he can’t raise his arms at all.
  3. I was thinking a stroke too. My step-dad had a minor stroke and he’s like this. A little slower and unsteady.
  4. Is this the same sign up sheet for our payment from George Soros or is there a separate sign up sheet for that?
  5. Biden was not my pick. But he's not morally corrupt or an raging narcissist. I think he's smart enough to pick right people to be around him and he will be good at smoothing over all the bridges Trump burned with foreign countries. Now on to his VP pick.
  6. You can always tell when he learned something new. He didn’t know about Tele-health before.
  7. “No one expected a Pandemic” Yes they did! There was a whole department setup to get us prepared for this and you fired them!! He’s such an asshole.
  8. I wouldn’t doubt it but they would never tell us he is sick.
  9. Nothing to worry about, the Senate will help in a couple weeks.
  10. And it’s also sad that I’m the greatest country in the world, one of the concerns about closing schools is that for some students, those are the only meals they get. If the schools close, kids won’t eat.
  11. Some sort of bailout for the the 1%.
  12. A friend just booked a flight for her family of 4 from Austin to Chicago for Easter weekend in April for less than $400. Round trip.
  13. Chances he closes the Mexican border?
  14. What about the bailouts for all the people who are losing money from cancelled travel plans? I know several people who cancels their Spring Break plans and are out thousands. Or the parents of the local HS’s going to Disney this coming week who have to decide whether to send their kid to Disney or not and then loose they 2k they already paid for the trip. Oh and the small businesses and service people who are up a creek financially because of SXSW being cancelled. So annoyed the people with the money the gay bailed out.
  15. Love the idea of this. She should focus on flipping the senate. I’m not hopeful that she would be selected as majority leader because well .... men but it’s worth a shot. Anything to get Moscow Mitch out of power.
  16. Same. Is it surprising the media didn’t cover her as much or that she was held to a different standard than the men in the race? No. But it’s just so damn tiring to see it again and again and again. We’re tired man. But like in everything else we do, we regroup, stand up and keep going. Ill vote for whomever is the nominee but damn if the choices don’t suck.
  17. I think she staying in because she knows she the best one for the job and those other two are goobers. But seriously, I just don’t get how Warren doesn’t get any traction. IMO she is clearly the best option. She would kill Trump in a debate. She would get shit done.
  18. I can get behind this. When do VP picks generally get announced? After they officially have the nomination right?
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