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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sachick

  1. I agree. It’s like when these baby boomers start their stories saying they worked in the summers to pay for school. Well guess what, that’s impossible now a days. When a semester at a state school is 10k, you can’t work three months in the summer to pay for that. Books for a semester probably cost more than what these boomers paid for a semester of college.
  2. This is a big reason why I support her. I believe her. I believe she wants to make the country better. I'm disappointed we'll probably get Bernie or Pete but would prefer Bernie for the same reason. He believes in his message and has spent his whole fighting for what he believes is the best for people. Pete I'm iffy on. He gives me a smarmy vibe, not sure where his priorities are.
  3. It’s really hard to fuck up this bad. It’s not like it’s the first time Iowa had a caucus. I get the app didn’t work, but they had the numbers written down on paper, shouldn’t they just have reverted to the process they used for years where they had the results out in hours?
  4. I haven’t looked at comments on Facebook or Twitter but I assume all the mouth breathers are celebrating that he was acquired and therefore not impeached. Dumbasses don’t know that Trump will always be an impeached president.
  5. Good. Why sit there and listen to what you know will be nothing buy lies.
  6. I don’t think traditional polls are accurate anymore. Who the hell are they asking? People who answer their phone not knowing the number? How many people answer calls from people they don’t know? My phone is set to send non-contact numbers straight to voicemail. I think it’s mainly old retired white people answering these polls.
  7. May vote for Amy. She’s smart enough to figure out it’s a cluster fuck so just came out gave a speech to be able to move on with her night.
  8. I don’t think the app went through QA and UAT. Democrats already fucking up the 2020 election.
  9. This shit is stupid. You want me to spend an hour or two on a Monday evening standing around with a bunch of strangers? Are grills and beer allowed?
  10. Y’all realize none of this matters right? This will be old news by tomorrow afternoon.
  11. That’s exactly how my ex and I communicated, hence the ex part. Well that and him sleeping around.
  12. I’m now following Jerry Morgan and Lexi on Instagram.
  13. This fool takes his ball everywhere and takes naps with it, jaw open on the ball.
  14. My niece and nephew. My brother just added Ellie, the weimaraner, to the family. They’re beautiful dogs. Although Oakley is a little on the dopey side.
  15. So the letter was given to the media by mistake or the letter was sent to Iraq officials also?
  16. I'm realizing I will be really really disappointed if Biden or Bernie get the nomination. I'll vote for them of course, but it would be very uninspiring.
  17. I have CNN on and McConnell is speaking to the senate. I have no idea what he just said because he is so boring I tuned him out. Not a good speaker at all.
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