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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. I’m sure you’re very happy and well adjusted. Like most of the cloak room leftists.
  2. Sure. No doubt you’re a happy person. Like most white progressives.
  3. Got it. Need to improve myself and be like you. You seem like a great guy we should all emulate.
  4. The south was controlled by democrats until the mid 90s. Republicans took over when racist democrats died off.
  5. Whites do commit violence against blacks. That is true and unacceptable. However, when there is interracial violence between whites and blacks, whites are the victim about 90 percent of the time.
  6. We are all aware of the past and present racism of the Democratic party. It should be cancelled.
  7. Racism is evil. No matter who is doing it.
  8. Stats are stats. Given those stats, a black person claiming whites are a violent race makes him look stupid.
  9. I had a great uncle, my granddad’s brother, he was a lifetime career army doctor (radiologist). His parents had no means and passed him and my granddad no inheritance as my great-grandma lived to 98 and that’s expensive with care requirements. He lived modestly, never had kids, invested in the market starting in the 50s, and died with around $20 million net worth at age 90. He only finally started spending a bit the last 5 years of his life.
  10. Slavery was a fact of life 2000 years ago. There weren’t really abolitionists in the first century. Maybe you would have been the rare exception of you lived back then. Most people aren’t racist assholes who hate people based on their skin color in the 21st century like Kendi is.
  11. Maybe one of those entities that celebrate, endorse or give Mr. Kendi awards or a platform could ask him if he still ascribes to his white hating racism? I’m just spitballing here.
  12. Any thoughts on his article? You agree with him?
  13. Still waiting for one cloak room leftist to condemn obvious racism from one of the leading CRT voices. Your silence is violence.
  14. Kendi is far more racist than Trump. Trump actually did good things for the black community.
  15. I’m sure in your mentally ill mind you think that.
  16. Carlin made very clear slavery was evil and brutal. And existed since the beginning of recorded history, wasn’t unique to the United States when we had it, the Atlantic slave trade involved Europeans, Africans and colonists in north and South America who all profited from the institutions, and still exists today in parts of the world. Carlin gets it right and that’s what should be taught. And I’ve got zero issue with teaching of the legacy effects of slavery and Jim Crow. We listened to the entire episode as a family a second time on our way back from New Orleans last Monday
  17. You have anything substantive to add? You agree with him? Society should treat that racist POS like the do any KKK member. With disgust and derision. He shouldn't be celebrated with awards.
  18. I linked the article Kendi wrote on his FAMU website. He is one racist mofo. “I don’t hate you. You can’t help it if you are evil incarnate with a heart full of murder who doesn’t deserve to draw breath. It’s not your fault that's just your nature as a Caucasian.” He definitely views not hating whites as a symbol of his extraordinary tolerance, for the whites are just violent creatures trying to survive. He's also the guy who coined the term anti-racist.
  19. For someone who says he doesn't hate whites, it sure sounds like Mr. Kendi hate whites: I have to set the record straight. Even though I oppose many European practices, I do not hate them. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have this burning sensation of white hate inside my soul that is driving me to seek knowledge about my history, my present and my future. As a matter of fact, too many blacks are driven by hate. This hate causes them to crash before they get to their destinations of insight or reform. I’m a firm believer that hate impedes your judgment and directs your mind toward notions it wouldn’t otherwise consider. I certainly understand those blacks who have been wrapped up in a tornado of hate because they could not escape the encircling winds of truth about the destructive hand of the white man. I also understand that extracting hate from an informed black person with a high level of black consciousness would involve transcending race. But transcending race in this society is like breaking out of a glass box. Nevertheless, other than not wanting hate to be the weed that stunts my intellectual growth, I don’t hate white folk because I’m a Christian. How can you hate a group of people for being who they are? Similarly, how can you hate a turtle because it won’t keep up? That would be like parents hating their children because they are different. All of our children aren’t the same. Europeans are completely different from Asians who are completely different from Hispanics and so on and so forth Europeans are simply a different breed of human. They are socialized to be aggressive people. They are taught to live by the credo, “survival of the fittest.” They are raised to be racist. Caucasians make up only 10 percent of the world’s population and that small percentage of people have recessive genes. Therefore they’re facing extinction. Whites have tried to level the playing field with the AIDS virus and cloning, but they know these deterrents will only get them so far. This is where the murder, psychological brainwashing and deception comes into play. Europeans are trying to survive and I can’t hate them for that. However, I’m not going to just sit back and let them physically, mentally, socially, spiritually and economically destroy my people. Although I don’t hate whites, I would still prefer to be in the field as opposed to the house. http://www.thefamuanonline.com/2003/09/09/living-with-the-white-race/ Maybe his heart has softened since he penned these articles.
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