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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by brown water

  1. 7 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

    Absolutely.  They need to be completely driven out from the rest of decent, civilized society.  They are completely worthless and aren’t coming back anyway.  If you have an employee that is a Trumpkin, fire them.  If you have some of them in your family, cut off all contact.  Let them know why.  If that means your parents don’t see or talk to their grandkids anymore, tough luck. Those are the consequences of despicable thinking and actions.   If you have “friends” that are Trumpkins, completely disconnect and let them know you have no room in your life for morally bankrupt supppoters of treason.  Find better friends. Fuck all the “well, they’re good people other than the fact that they’re big Trump supporters.”  Guess what, they’re not.  By definition.  


    6 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Yea I don’t think my HR department or the law would be very happy if I started firing people for their political affiliation

    Just change the job spec to require a HS degree or equivalent. 

    • Like 5
  2. 6 hours ago, Captainant said:

    You talking about this one?


    seems like he doesn't understand that paying for a campaign expense from personal funds without reporting the expenditure IS in fact a campaign finance violation. Isn't this straight up an admission of guilt?

    It's just sementics. 

  3. Can speak from experience Twin in Kingwood is pretty meh.  If your up for a drive go to Liquor Cabinet on Mills Branch.  They've got at least 10 bottles of Harper 15 on the shelf and an ample supply of Balcones True Blue Cask Strength.  Usually a few other interesting bottles as well. I stop by frequently and that's where I've stocked up on ECBP, RY10 and M10 in the last few months.  And if you're making the trip also try Pascals on Northpark.  They've got a solid collection as well and occasionally some 4RSB private selections from other stores or restaurants.   Good luck 

  4. 38 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    My dad -- a Texan long resident in Tennessee -- has always been amazed at how cheap Tennessee politicians are to buy.

    "Mr Governor, my son needs a pardon. He didn't mean to shoot that clerk at the Kwik Mart."

    "Hmmm...Murder is a serious crime, but you boy's prison record is mighty fine, and he's been in a whole two years now..."

    "Yes sir, Mr Governor..."

    "But murder is murder, and I've got bills to pay. It's gonna set you back some, but we'll get your boy out if you are willing to play ball..."

    "Anything Mr Governor..."

    "Alright then. $50. Cash. Unmarked bills."






  5. 50 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    You can interview 10 people on the street and you'd get 10 different definitions of patriotism.  Is it exercising your Constitutional right to vote?  Is it public service?  Is it military service?  Is it wrapping yourself in the American flag so no one sees your bone spurs?  Maybe its wearing your American flag bikini to the bitch.  Guess that makes it undefinable.

    Like most things it doesn’t have to be defined to be identifiable.  

  6. 1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

    If Jim Acosta and all the other shitslingers at CNN think Trump is trying to destroy the press they should take their act to Cuba or Iran and see what happens to them under a regime that does not have a First Amendment.  It wouldn't be their feelings that would be getting hurt.

    So we are fine as long as there is an example elsewhere that is as bad or worse. That's a hell of a standard.

    #Be Best Not Worst

    #Make America Great Again Not as Shitty as Iran 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    The thing I don't get about the current round of pearl clutching over guns is that it's being framed as "everyone can 3D print a plastic AR15 and shoot up a bunch of children". And on top of that, the 3D printed "liberator" pistol is a single shot design that can only shoot low pressure rounds like the .380 or .22 AND it still has metal in it because it needs a hard material (a steel nail in this case) for a firing pin.

    Nevermind that you could replicate that sort of functionality for cheaper with a trip to the hardware store. You can make a slam-fire 12GA shotgun with a pipe, a cap, and a nail pretty easily.

    Honest question. Assuming your correct that there’s less harm than some suggest, what is the potential benefit?  And which of those standards best apply here?  I generally fall in the camp of not restricting harmless activity.   But this strikes me a something that should be restricted in part because I’m not seeing the potential benefit. 

  8. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


    This point may have already been made but....

    Being angry, having ulterior motives and being wrong aren't the same thing.  My kids do something almost daily that makes me angry and I address that because they need to do better and because I want what's best for them. Imagine escaping accountability because what you've done made someone angry.  Utter nonsense.  

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/25/2018 at 12:36 PM, billfromlaketravis said:

    I’m concerned about overpowering oak tasting notes, any suggestions? 

    Just taste it every few days (assume the barrel has a spout).  When I was using my small barrel I'd just save the empty bottles, taste as it aged and refill the bottles once it hit the preferred flavor.  Also, after aging a few barrels, I switched from aging whiskey to aging cocktails (mainly Manhattans) and then switched back to aging whiskey. But in the second round it was more about a seasoned barrel than the charred oak (think high west YKY from vermouth aged barrels).  Just a way to get a bit more mileage out of the barrel.  

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, huge said:

    The one I had at Kevin Rathbun in Atlanta was disappointing but I want to agree.  Where in Houston do they sell that cut?

    My experience there was disappointing too.  But it was April 2015 and my dad and I were headed to Augusta to watch Speith dominate at the Masters so it didn't bother us much. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Horn21 said:

    I've had a good run this summer.  I've scored GTS, THH (2), and WLW all for $87/ea.

    Without divulging sources and methods, any insights you can share on how to pull off such a feat?  Thx 

  12. 9 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    "intellectual elite" means "smart people" and trumpkins don't like smart people

    Or they are jealous of anyone that's labeled elite.  I bet someone could sway some of their support by calling them elite and slapping a word in front they don't understand.  The gullibility elite or the upwardly stagnant elite may do the trick. 

    • Like 1
  13. Also read somewhere that distillers pick barrels that closely match a consistent profile for a given bourbon.  And that store picks / private barrels are available from the ones that may be somewhat distinctive from that profile. So in addition to them being single barrels (which have natural variability) the store picks are also one more step removed from the profile.  

    Which doesn’t necessarily mean better or worse but just more likely to be different  


  14. 8 hours ago, Woodrow Call said:

    Trump says Montenegro’s ‘Aggressive People’ Could Start World War III.

    Yes, I lie awake at night worrying about Montenegro. I realize 99% of Americans can't pinpoint Montenegro on a map (including Trump), but we shouldn't underestimate a nation that's roughly the size of Minnesota and that has a total GDP that ranks 78th in the world.

    Odds Trumpkins think people from Montenegro are, you know,  negros.  

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