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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by brown water

  1. 6 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Not even close to the same thing. Only a total douchebag would compare the two.

    I'm a douchebag. No argument there.  

    But I wasn't comparing the two.  I was observing Trump's background re- service makes him a poor messenger for the point.  I usually try to separate the message from the messenger but his ubiquitous bullshit makes it far harder than normal to isolate him from issues and their relative merits.  

    That said, neither of avoiding military service nor embellishing extent of service is a positive qualification for holding office.  So I'll be true to douchebag form and offer up a similarity though not an equivalence.  

  2. 16 hours ago, 4th and 5 said:

    I’ve searched Healdsburg with no luck. But gottdam we’ve found some wine

    I picked up a couple of Bounty Hunter's Four Roses OESV last month. Highly recommended and I think they serve it at the bar if you'd like a sample first. 

  3. 8 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    Had a family event tonight.  I won’t tell you the exact description of the event for fear of losing my man-card.  My sister’s father-in-law at one point called Trump a good Christian man.  I rolled my eyes, and made sure he saw me rolling my eyes, and we left about 5 minutes later.  

    Sounds like permission to cheat on said daughter.  Enjoy the consequence free adultery.  Make sure to keep him up to date on your escapades.  

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  4. 44 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    McGahn has already been fired.

    By tweet.

    I've done ok. I'm now the CFO of a midsize company and been in management since the early 00s. I've had to let people go - sometimes because of their performance and sometimes because of broader corporate issues.  In either case, I've always felt respecting the impacted person's dignity important enough to speak with them personally.  I'll go out on a limb that their accomplishments likely fell short of some one ascending to a senior White House role.  But paying a basic level of respect to someone who's life is being upended seemed appropriate.  

    Among the many things I find fault with in the current administration, the lack of basic respect for personal dignity often rises near the top of the list. Both in its cowardly contrast to the blustering bravado and in its insensitivity to the impacted person and their families. 

    tl/dr: fuck the chickenshit way djt handles business 

    • Like 5
  5. 55 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Per the NYT Tweet on it:


    "... a senior Trump administration official says he and others are working to frustrate the president's misguided impulses."  So we maybe can cross off one suspect.


  6. Regarding Nike's cost benefit analysis, my first thought was this is a bold move that might eat into shareholder value.  Then I realized they'd upset trumpkins which, by the eyeball test, aren't the biggest consumers of fitness apparel or sporting goods.  And when they do, their more likely in the Russell Athletic segment.   Feels like a safer mover than initially perceived.  

    • Like 3
  7. Vermouth upgrades are under appreciated.  

    Dolins sweet is my go to.  Cocchi Torino is a second but it's flavor is more like Carpano Antiqua which I find can be overpowering in Manhattans (but others generally regard it as the gold standard).  Bonus on Dolins is most HEBs sell in a 375. Vermouth spoils so that helps limit the time a bottle is open.  

    Cocchi Americano is my preferred dry vermouth.  Yet to find a close second. Works great in martinis and perfect manhattans.  

  8. 14 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The tax bill was sold as instant pass-through for labor.   Remember all of the attribution of the bonuses to the tax bill?   

    The bonuses were accelerated because their value as a tax deduction was more under the higher 2017 rates than the lower 2018 rates.  I’d bet many people didn’t get more they just got it earlier.  

  9. 5 hours ago, Mapache said:

    Trump invoked Pearl Harbor during meeting with Japanese prime minister

    President Trump invoked the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor during a heated meeting earlier this year with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. 

    "I remember Pearl Harbor," Trump, who was born four and a half years after the attack, said, according to the newspaper, before railing against Japan's economic policies. 

    The comments reportedly came during a June 7 meeting in which Trump and Abe discussed trade and North Korea. The two men met after Trump had imposed steep steel and aluminum tariffs on Japan and other U.S. allies, and just days before the U.S. president traveled to Singapore to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. 

    Japan's trade minister, Hiroshige Seko, said last week that Tokyo might retaliate if Trump follows through with the tariffs. 



    “It's not a tragedy,” said Trump. “It was a tragedy because it was ambushed. I like like bases that weren’t ambushed.”

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