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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BillyGoatHill

  1. What did the prima donna do? That was the one series I missed this year due to being out of town.
  2. The talking shit with LBJ after the early walk worked out well for them as did standing there and watching an early HR.... Like Augie used to say....Baseball is a cruel mistress. The ball doesn't lie, and things have a way of sorting themselves out. I've been watching UT Baseball for 49 years and the best thing about it has been the way that UT players having ALWAYS risen above the shit talking and showboating by letting their play dictate the outcome. 🤘
  3. Lots of college baseball players nowadays have to have their eye black cover their cheek bones also. YoYo wore his this way. Lots of other players in the regionals are doing it this way too. I agree and think it looks dumb, but football players have been doing it for years. As per the article that @Valmy77posted and as stated by his coach, I didn't see any cockiness from Morales. I watched him twice against us and their elimination game against Louisiana. The guy wasn't ever cocky or being a showboat, just went out and played the game without making it about him.
  4. You would think aggy would play better on "a farm".
  5. Right on cue....so predictable.🤣
  6. Actually, they'll use the little brother excuse that THEY should have went to Coral Gables, cuz ours was easier.
  7. Same thing they did on Friday night....horseshit.
  8. Aggy continues to aggy with the foul pop up...
  9. Anything that travels that far ought to have a goddam stewardess on it....😂
  10. Annnnnnnnd there it is! Tommy Troy crushed that .
  11. Bids to host are submitted before regionals.
  12. That is EXACTLY what happened. We were and are the higher 2 seed between us and farmer.
  13. We can bitch about who we missed in the portal, but no doubt, these 4 played HUGE for us this year and we don't have the year that we have had without them.
  14. NIGHTMARE!!!! Let's play a SUPER!!!🤘🤘
  15. WTF was that? We'll definitely take it.
  16. Fucking walk and a hit batter....again
  17. Keep bringing in those pinch hitters...
  18. Open your stance EK !!! Finish these fuckers off!
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