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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. Sec announcers really homering about the strike zone. ZUBIA!!!!!
  2. Maybe, just maybe our wrs weren’t very impressive because our qbs were a mash unit of young uns. Or maybe because said qbs were afraid for their life behind our o line which ABSOLUTELY influences progression and confidence to get the ball out. whens the last time we had a set of ballin ass wrs? (Quan and ship?) Let’s not act like this is a new thing. but never mind me...back to the coaching bash.
  3. We need all the wins we can get. Try and get em on a roll
  4. Any of the guys coming in instant impact players?
  5. Yeah my friend was blown away when he made the comment “a&am is pretty cool with the soldiers and all”. I went off on a Randolph like monologue about how it’s not real. He was blown away. Buncha posers
  6. Jordan, Lebron, Nash. (Outsider pick) mid 30s
  7. Dickson and tucker have to be the best of the two kicking jobs we’ve ever had
  8. Mack won a shit ton of games plain and simple. He did start slipping at the end and I think our o line situation since then is the biggest indicator of that. im personally in the he’s a legend but damn I wish it wouldn’t have ended like it did. Say what you want, Mack was all class and made me proud to be a longhorn.
  9. Chip Brown loves the Star Wars prequels. chip brown hates whataburger. chip brown loves nickelback. chip brown likes stepping on legos barefoot.
  10. I must have one of those belts of boyer’s. Murica
  11. Cremo would be awesome. We have to be in it with all the playing time available. Especially if roach declares. (On the past shooter discussion...damn I miss j’covan. That guy was fun to watch play)
  12. This and the UT pimp are my favs from old shag
  13. It’s all coming together.... (obligatory like me and your mom)
  14. What a great pick up. We should be able to sell playing time reaaall soon.
  15. It’s so frustrating when we get something going and then give it right back the next 1/2 inning
  16. Communist kickball? that games so boring, the fans are 2/3 the entertainment.
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