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  1. Played Lakewood Member-Guest this week with @chitwood. But for my ridiculously bad putting on the last day we might have managed to get into the shootout. Anyway, course was in great shape and the company was excellent.
  2. Canons of construction are that terms are construed against the drafter. If a construction could permit the use of tents on campus prior to 10 pm then it's against the rules.
  3. Not according to the rule posted above.
  4. The way I read that rule bringing tents on campus is only prohibited after 10 pm. "bringing tents on campus...later than 10:00 p.m."
  5. My whole point is that the word “Jew” is a noun, not an adjective. Using it as an adjective in place of the actual adjective term, “Jewish”, is pejorative, regardless of where it is placed in a sentence.
  6. You had a Jew girlfriend? It’s using “Jew” as an adjective (instead of “Jewish”) that is the issue.
  7. @chitwood that looks like your old bathtub.
  8. Perhaps you missed the point of my my post. When used as a noun, Jew is fine. When used as an adjective, “my Jew lawyer”, not fine.
  9. Had to neg you for the rep cycle.
  10. Here’s a thought. Maybe doctors know better than you or I whether those treatments would be helpful. Certainly they know better than Dan Fucking Patrick.
  11. Yes because it's only really bad if students get shot and killed for protesting peacefully.
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