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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DDD Dad

  1. And to post anti-vax tweets (or x's or whatever they're called). She's probably busy. Anyone been reported missing at Town Lake lately?
  2. One of the more frustrating things I've seen, heard, and read through the current campaign season is how many voters blame Harris and Democrats for the current high cost of living and effects of inflation. Sure, we've been in an inflationary cycle as a result of and following the pandemic. The Fed largely has addressed through interest rates leading us hopefully to a soft landing, albeit at the expense of wage earners with limited impact on the investment class. How any of that falls at the feet of the current administration baffles me. Neither the original Trump administration nor the current Biden administration can be faulted for the inflationary effect of global supply chain issues from the pandemic. “In my view, neither Trump nor Biden is to blame for the high inflation,” “The blame goes to the pandemic and the Russian war in Ukraine.” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. “We only have to look at the still high inflation rates in most other advanced economies to see that most of this inflation period was really about global trends ... rather than about the specific policy actions of any given government (though they did of course play some role),” Stephen Brown, deputy chief North America economist at Capital Economics. A Pew Research Center analysis of data from 44 advanced economies finds that, in nearly all of them, consumer prices have risen substantially since pre-pandemic times. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/15/in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world-inflation-is-high-and-getting-higher/ Both administrations approved and Congress enacted stimulus legislation, as well as tariffs from both that have had inflationary effects. However, even with all of that spending the US's inflation rate is basically in the middle of the pack with the rest of the developed world. But Trump will solve inflation. OK.
  3. For fuck’s sake I was the founding member and first president of my law school’s Federalist Society. My high school AP History teacher used to call me Alex P. Keaton.
  4. I'm sure your doctor's great. My doctor has recommended both flu and COVID for me based on scientific research rather than anecdotal evidence. Here's a blurb from a recent article on the Yale School of Medicine's website applicable to both Pfizer & Moderna versions: https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/covid-19-vaccine-comparison I'm not aware of any scientific research supporting the proposition that COVID vaccines reduce your immunity in general. At least one study suggests vaccines provide protection without the risk of development of autoantibodies that accompany immunity from a natural infection: https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/vaccination-has-a-lower-risk-of-autoantibody-development-than-natural-immunity/
  5. Yes. Some of us are at risk for a bad outcome, and others would prefer to feel crappy for a day to reduce that risk or the risk of feeling like shit for up to a week or more (the most recent variant appears to be nasty). Last week my BIL had to postpone gall bladder removal due to heart damage suffered from his most recent COVID infection. Your health is your business, and I hope for your sake and your family's that you take it seriously.
  6. Got my two shots (COVID and flu) yesterday morning. Felt fine until around mid afternoon and then started feeling kind of crappy. Woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. Still feeling like crap this afternoon. Hopefully this passes by tomorrow.
  7. DDD Dad

    Dallas | Pizza

    It's not a schtick. I think your quoted post above answers your own quesiton.
  8. Bapartisan group of former mayors urge vote no
  9. Well you're both going to hell, so.... save me a good seat.
  10. Perhaps. But that's his brother saying that. Speaks volumes.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/oaSRMMvrNJauX6ot/ Barton Tinsley Simpson · Until Brad chooses to cooperate, we will continue cooperate for him, as we have from the very beginning of this heartbreaking ordeal. This is not how he was raised, and this is not who we are. Our parents instilled in us the values of honoring and protecting others, and they are truly remarkable people. The devastation this has caused to our family is overwhelming. Brad's refusal to cooperate is unacceptable. My sister and brother-in-law have stepped up to take care of the children, but the impact on our parents has been shattering. Our lives have been irreparably changed. We will not rest until we find Suzanne. Barton T. Simpson
  12. csb my little brother used to date the girl in that commercial.
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