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Everything posted by APMP

  1. High price. But flags fly forever. Balls of steel from Luhnow. Love it.
  2. Keuchel was pissed that we did nothing at the deadline. And I still believe it made a difference a month later.
  3. Corey Dickerson is a nice rental bat for Philly
  4. Is that actually Rosenthal? Lol
  5. I would love to get a Wipeout bullpen arm. Get some Lidge/Hotel/Wagner goodness going with the new guy, Pressly, and Osuna.
  6. And he's a big Texan pitcher. Some "positive stereotyping" involved? Maybe...but because of stuff and already decent command, deservedly the best pitching prospect in baseball at the start of the season.
  7. I dreamt that we traded for Scherzer, which is crazy. But hey, we all but traded for Bryce Harper last year. I will be stunned if we don't trade for a a starter. If Kemp isn't included in that deal, I think he brings back a bullpen arm or catcher.
  8. Thor is all Mjolnir and Stormbreaker tonight. 7 innings, 3 hits, 1 run, 1 walk, 10Ks. Hitting 100mph on the reg.
  9. Whitley trade value rising, making it less likely Luhnow will trade him.
  10. So I've seen somebody here say Cole might take 5/125, and someone else argue that a 3 year deal would need to be at $120m.
  11. https://twitter.com/theastrojoker/status/1156301181402210304?s=20
  12. Unless the Brinks truck from Phoenix to Houston is massive, getting Greinke would make the 99% likelihood that Cole is gone this off-season into a cool 100%.
  13. Thor pitches tonight. Or well, is scheduled to.
  14. Thor takes the mound tonight at 7 central. Let's see if that impacts anything.
  15. Aww. They literally love each other.
  16. If it's that blatant then they gotta just be messing with them? I encourage all chicanery and tomfoolery against these guys, of course...
  17. I'm slightly annoyed if both Thor and deGrom are available. That means if we get one another AL team can counter with a comparable acquisition.
  18. I'm willing to trade Ted if we get dominant Thor. Honestly if we get dominant Thor we should push all the chips in this off-season, give Cole his deal and try to win two more rings with JV/Cole/Thor being this decade's Maddux/Glavine/Smoltz.
  19. This one is along those same lines
  20. I'm totally in. It would be cool to have a tip of the cap (har har) to one of the most iconic sports uniforms ever: A Houston Strong patch or lettering could be cool on the side/back but I don't know if that's possible with trucker hats...
  21. This guy may yet be prophetic...
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