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Everything posted by APMP

  1. APMP

    W Anderson Lane

    New Violet Crown Clubhouse is alright, decent spot to get ice cream after Little Deli, and maybe play a couple of coin ops.
  2. Fucking hell Captain Morgan.
  3. Player of the tournament so far
  4. Where do I send the $9.95? You know, it might have been $10.95 if you provided Springer BP video...
  5. It has always astounded me how Argentina has wasted the once in a lifetime talent of Messi. (And I've been an Argentina fan since the early 90s)
  6. Crick in the handle huh
  7. I would have said Biggio if someone asked me this morning who had the best catcher season in Astros history. Ausmus was great behind the plate but not great with the bat. Crazy Mitch Melusky was the opposite. Tony Eusebio is legend for other reasons.
  8. The injuries in Oakland are a decent reason to #RunItBack, but I still hope Morey takes risks moving whoever needs moved for us to get better.
  9. APMP

    Austin FC

    Wonder how expensive seats with parking will be
  10. APMP

    Austin FC

    Yeah I figured that premium seats included some in frontish rows and near midfield. The stadium section of the Austin FC website also mentions several club areas.
  11. APMP

    Austin FC

    Was pretty early in paying $100 for premium. Now I wait to see what exactly premium means.
  12. APMP

    Austin FC

    The ignorance required to let a web server overload happen in today's cloud service world is staggering. Good job you chucklefucks.
  13. Hairline fractured thumb for Dhawan. Well shit.
  14. Game 2 and then Game 5. You're welcome.
  15. I don't know that having KD matters. Kahwi is a killer, and he's waited years for this. Not even a Zaza cheap shot will save the Warriors this series.
  16. Lol at that box score. 24/51 in the game with 9 walks. Looks like a football game broke out with that final score.
  17. Yeah noticed that on SportTrac. If we think JV is worth $33m the next two seasons, then yeah I have no problem paying that to Mad Max.
  18. Definitely did better than I expected. But that transfer ban is a real kick in the nuts. To Pulisic and beyond.
  19. As much as i would LOVE a MadBum rental... The Nats are in fourth (yay still barely in front of the Marlins). Max Scherzer does not have a no trade clause yet, but will after this season. He has salaries of $28m and $27m the two seasons after this. Go get him. If you don't the Dodgers or Yankees will.
  20. Those guys are idiots
  21. You disagree, as do I, but FWIW https://www.yachtornyacht.com/songs/8/Southern-Cross These guys claim to have coined the term yacht rock, which is a very not yacht thing to do.
  22. Was looking for a Spotify playlist for backyard pool tunes. Bill Simmons' 2019 Yacht Rock one is a good start.
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