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Everything posted by APMP

  1. As much as i would LOVE a MadBum rental... The Nats are in fourth (yay still barely in front of the Marlins). Max Scherzer does not have a no trade clause yet, but will after this season. He has salaries of $28m and $27m the two seasons after this. Go get him. If you don't the Dodgers or Yankees will.
  2. Those guys are idiots
  3. You disagree, as do I, but FWIW https://www.yachtornyacht.com/songs/8/Southern-Cross These guys claim to have coined the term yacht rock, which is a very not yacht thing to do.
  4. Was looking for a Spotify playlist for backyard pool tunes. Bill Simmons' 2019 Yacht Rock one is a good start.
  5. Great freaking song. I can't just pick one best yacht rock song. Baker Street is definitely up there for that riff/hook.
  6. Tilman and Morey had to have known that such an offer would be immediately rejected, and that the details of the offer would have gotten out. What was the endgame? Any reasonable person can clearly see that the deal was a joke.
  7. MDA was right to reject that extension. His agent wouldn't call it insulting but I would. $2.5m is less than a bunch of first time coaches. Incentives for making the playoffs and advancing are great, but trades aren't in his control, so he could definitely fall victim to outside circumstances.
  8. Drake in the autographed Dell jersey is pretty hilarious
  9. I hate the idea of a lame duck coach when there's at least talk of a possible roster overhaul. Not a great situation right now...players that don't buy in anymore can just get theirs and ride it out. In which case it's basically a lost season of Harden's prime.
  10. Man I Miss CFM. Just an unassuming HOSS.
  11. APMP

    W Anderson Lane

    Never noticed this thread before, hits close to home for this Crestview resident. EyM, Little Deli, Tarka, Troy, Galaxy Cafe, Hao-Q are in steady rotation. Bartlett's for a fancier meal. Some of the bars in the area have decent kitchens too.
  12. Point on the rocket zone taken, but I seriously doubt there's enough reaction time to get your kid or even yourself out of the way of a 100mph screamer, even if you're paying attention.
  13. This infuriates me to no end. It's two thousand freaking 19. There are a million netting possibilities that can save a life and barely obstruct the view. Somebody needs to do it first, and out may as well be the Astros.
  14. Somehow, the Sarri not sorry thread title was perfect for this campaign. To the off-season!
  15. Hopefully a fairly dry holiday weekend in Austin. Could be sunnier, but hey still better than flooding.
  16. Happy Endings was, no, is, awesome. It should have been saved by a streaming network. I'm still not over it.
  17. Martin looks more settled, not overthrowing. I like it.
  18. I would be much better at life if I had her as my HypeGal.
  19. Halt and Catch Fire had a perfect finale. Friday Night Lights did as well. Other great ones for me, where I watched the whole series, include Breaking Bad, The Americans, and The West Wing (I don't care what anybody says, that framed napkin was enough). Worst is HIMYM. The later released alternate ending is canon as far as I'm concerned.
  20. It would be hilarious if GRRM gave D&D this BS ending so his much better ending wouldn't be spoiled. GRRM was gonna make money off the show no matter what, so why not watch the chuckleheads stumble without source material and save the best stuff for yourself,?
  21. One guy named Beer. The other (presumably) drinks beer all the time and can't hit. I can see how that could be confusing.
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