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Posts posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. 2 hours ago, deadshank said:

    I'd go for a can of original formula Schlitz.  Reminds me of the old man picking up a sixer while my brother and I waited in this babe magnet as we were on our way to Lake Texhoma for a family reunion with the Choctaw side of the family.


    You grew up in a James McMurtry song.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    They didn't have articles published about them in WaPo about what horrible people they are 

    They also haven't publicly thrown their wrongfully imprisoned former players under the bus, and don't condescendingly talk down to everyone they publicly encounter.  We don't know that they've ever encouraged rape victims to stay quiet, or lesbians to stay in the closet either.  

    Maybe not everything about Mulkey is verified, but if they were this way behind closed doors, I'd think it would leak more.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I have no idea what they are like behind closed doors, and I would guess they work very hard to keep it that way.  I thought most of my childhood that Tommy Lasorda was some genial, good natured guy.  I had no idea he had a mouth and attitude that would make a sailor blush.  

    They very well might be quite different behind closed doors, but I don't know that they are.

    We know that Mulkey sucks as a person.

  4. Just now, Mittens said:

    It wasn't publicized at all, but someone made AI porn of her last week.  That's a long way over the line.

    I don't disagree, but this is likely coming for any attractive female celebrity.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Maybe but Dawn is also a very tough hard nosed coach to play for. She holds you to the highest standard. Dawn is an infinitely better human than Mulkey 

    Exactly.  I don't think of Dawn Staley or Lisa Bluder as bitchy, at all.

  6. On 3/25/2024 at 10:10 AM, Tylerocks said:

    I can't remember a coach that is as universally hated than this chick.



    Who do y'all think is the male equivalent to her in basketball or football?

    Bob Knight was a huge asshole, but still kind of likable for whatever reason.

    Coach K?  

    I know Scott Drew is persona non grata here, but do random CBB fans hate him?  I doubt it.


  7. 4 hours ago, Js1 said:

    She also doesn’t have a great role model for a head coach. Let’s face it, you don’t send your player to LSU if you want them to be humble and modest and let their play shine on the court over their antics. Can you imagine a player under Vic acting like that? 

    This is the exact point I bring up every time I've heard someone start getting dog whistley about Reece in the past year.  Because those people all hate Mulkey too, it does seem to actually land.

  8. Schlitz has been revived in the Midwest recently, and it doesn't suck at all.  Same thing happened to Grain Belt (which I'm assuming most of y'all haven't even heard of).

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  9. 9 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Turned 42 a few months ago apparently. He got the job at 35. He's less than a year older than me, and I recall that hitting me strangely when he got the job (I was already starting to feel old). To even get that job he had to show some serious maturity for that age and it certainly came through. Can't believe it was 7 damn years ago.

    I'm 38 now and just assumed Boynton was a good 10 years older than me.

  10. 10 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Missed the joke, sorry. Mike Boynton's favorite hashtag was #LetsWork and I've seen some OSU fans posting #LutzWork. Kinda funny. Some of it is mean sprited, but most still like Boynton while agreeing that we needed to move on (that's where I am). I saw that he's joining Mays staff at Michigan. He'll be a head coach again soon enough. He's only 41. 

    No shit?  He always gave off kinda-old man vibes to me.

  11. Stopped at one a couple weeks ago in Arkansas on a mountain biking trip.  It took 20 minutes to get our order.  It tasted fine, but if I'm going to wait 20 minutes for a burger, I better be bellied up at a bar with a beer in one hand and a game on the tube.

  12. Angel Reese seems like a bitch and a whiner.  She deserves to take some crap for her antics.  Her and Mulkey seem cut from an extremely similar cloth.  The people who make her behavior a matter of race are far worse than she is.  This is 100% a "both things can be true" situation.

    6 more days until I don't have to watch Iowa fans use the women's program to hide their shame about how badly we've buried their men's program.

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  13. On 3/23/2024 at 9:45 AM, 4th&Five said:

    Poppy little divorce tune. 


    Dead Man Winter is my favorite iteration of Dave Simonett and that album is among his best work.  After his divorce, Dave spent a lot of time kicking around the Driftless Area of SE MN (the part of Iowa I live in is part of this region as well) when he didn't have his kids and the album is full of references to places I know well, all drenched in that reflective sense of loss.  A lot of that era went into the TBT's "Life Is Good On The Open Road" as well (Kelly's Bar is a real place I've been to several times), which might actually be my favorite TBT album.

    I think this track (which might be my all time favorite Simonett song) fits the bill of this thread as well.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. I remember essentially cutting out on JRE when it went to Spotify exclusively.  It was a combo of just preferring the Apple Podcast for keeping track of pods, and all the whining he'd been doing about the COVID lockdowns.  He was inserting more and more of himself and less of letting the guest talk.  He'd constantly get side tracked whining about lockdowns and cancel culture and all I could think was "you're a fucking millionaire 100x over and ain't no way you're getting canceled for this stupid shit you say".  I just lost interest completely.

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  15. I know some people hate Far Away Eyes because they feel like it's mocking country music, but I just can't relate to that.  The Stones clearly loved country music, and they loved it so much they made it better than a litany of American artists that actually call themselves country artists.

    IMO their top 5 Country Songs are as follows:

    Dead Flowers

    Wild Horses

    Let It Bleed

    Far Away Eyes

    Sweet Virginia

    That can go shoulder to shoulder with a lot of the greats of country's top 5, and I say that as an avid fan of country music.

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