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Posts posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. 2 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Plus, Bob Stoops played at Iowa. It’s where he first fell in love with dickeating.

    His in-laws live in the same small town I do.  I'm always on the lookout for him in the grocery store around Christmas, to confirm an unusual amount of sausages in his shopping cart.

    I do think Stoops's Iowa connection was a big part of us never even coming close to upsetting OU during his tenure.  We'd rise up here and there and upset literally everyone else, but Stoops just took us to the wood shed year after year after year.

    He knew not overlook ISU, and he damn sure wasn't going to lose to us.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    And isn't it due to like one coach?  Were they good before Fry?

    They were good in the 40's through the very early 60's under Forest Evashevski.  They actually claim a natty from that period, but it was given to them by some publication that no longer exists in a year where the AP awarded it to LSU who had a better record, so it's pretty Aggy to claim it.  That's when they established their initial popularity.  They then sucked until Fry, who had his first good year in like '79 or '80. 

    What created the real gap between Iowa and Iowa State was their ascension under Fry at a time when Iowa State was making terrible coaching hires, investing nothing into facilities, and getting hit with NCAA sanctions.  Now that Iowa State is the larger college, putting more alumni back into Iowa, and finally becoming the more popular school in the Des Moines metro, it's changing the dynamic of the rivalry and long time Hawk fans that are steeped in their superiority over ISU are not reacting well.

  3. Just now, 'stache said:

    I guess that makes Iowa Stephon Ur-kell. A fraud who thinks highly of himself but everyone else knows he sucks and laughs.

    That is fucking brilliant.

    If it weren't for Aggy, Iowa would win the most delusional fanbase award.  Maybe they aren't that delusional when interacting with other fanbases, but they certainly are that way with us.

    Early on, when the series was renewed, they tried to play the whole "we won't play at your stadium" shit.  They caved, but that's the way they see things.  That attitude still permeates their fanbase.

  4. I grew up in the whitest county in Iowa.  99.4%, or something like that.  Class size of about 25 kids.

    So, to answer the question, not even close.  The closest we had to diversity was when this really poor family from Tennessee moved in for a year.  They lived in a trailer in the only woods in the damn county.  The kids were borderline mentally disabled, and in hindsight I think the parents were making meth and just drifting from place to place.

    That was our diversity.

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  5. 12 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    That's what rivalries are about. Pure regional or occupational or status Hate.

    I am old enough to remember getting all geared up with hate for Arky, the Land Thieves, and the ags year after year. It only feels the same when we play the gooners now, unless some team pops off in bowl season with some trash talk or horns down. 

    It hasn't felt the same ever since those SWC days, or at least not since Baylor has returned to their statistical mean.

    And I suffered through the FedEx years, and that blew putrid chunks every November, but then we righted the ship and brought the Force back into alignment.

    I just don't understand not wanting to beat their asses every year to shut them and their SEC! talk the fuck up. Aside from the old Nebraska - OU rivalry, I can't think of another one as important and visceral as this one that has been broken up by greed and idiocy.

    Bama will never not play Auburn. More to the point, given that they are in different conferences, Iowa will never not play Iowa State. Colorado and CSU play every year. Utah and BYU do too.  Fuckin' Tennessee and Vanderbilt still play every year -- and I miss Texas playing Rice every year, as well.

    Thanksgiving or the day after hasn't been the same since we've been playing Tech or TCU....And intersectional rivalries are for the likes of Notre Dame and USC, not us. 

    Close to 120 years of tradition tossed in the trash. Hell yeah, it's mostly their fault, but it's a fucking shame, especially because we won three years out of every four. As it stands now, those idiots think they beat us every fucking year because they are SEC! and we are not. There's only one way to disabuse those simpletons of that notion, and that's on the field. 

    We didn't play for 40+ years due to bad blood.  The state legislature forced the game back in the late 70's.

    Point is, there's a precedent for in-state rivals to put things on hold for awhile when shit gets that bad.  I can imagine someday you'll play Aggy again, but it could be a long damned time.

  6. 23 hours ago, slorch said:

    102 in Houston is a lot different than 102 in Phoenix...or even Lubbock.


    For the cold weather folks, it's like comparing 25 degrees,  with a 45 mph gale blowing in from the north; versus 25 degrees while calm and clear.

    Those of us who live in places that have all the weather can relate to all sides of this.

    It was 100 degrees on Memorial Day, but low humidity.  Not too bad at all.  On 4th of July, it was 92 with high humidity and MUCH more uncomfortable than Memorial Day.

    By the same token, a calm 10 degree day is much less miserable than a raging wind 25 degree day.

  7. On 7/16/2018 at 11:58 PM, TKthunder2 said:

    East Texas isn’t horrible but it’s just an odd mix of people from old oil money families to the newer waves of relocated Louisiana natives from Hurricanes.  Many act and think they are in the Deep South and we have churches on every corner and they control far too much in local government.  Growing up there we would have to drive across town to get beer because and some random blue law zoning restriction and they successfully banned MTV from our cable.  Not to mention that most are hypocrites and love to talk about sinners and the evils of drinking and gambling on Sunday morning but spend their time getting hammered and losing their paychecks over in Shreveport on Friday (when it’s not THSFB season).  The women are generally gaudy with bad highlights, too tight clothing and the infamous ETBF (East Texas Box Face).  They love Smirnoff winecoolers and putting Malibu rum in their Sonic slushy while smoking Marbolo 27’s. The guys love to pretend that they are cowboys though very few actually do anything resembling farm/ranch work and wear boots, big belt buckles, with a trucker’s hat and carry unnecessary big pocket knives which they make a point to mention that it’s the largest legal length they can carry.  They drink basic light beer and dip more often than they smoke and drive around town in their lifted pick up trucks with modified exhaust that you can still hear long after they are out of sight.  Many never leave and a surpring number that go to school outside of East Texas still end up returning to spawn and repopulate the piney woods with a next generation of townies.  They get defensive if you call them small town but take an odd pride from being call hicks or redneck and most will cheer for which ever Texas based team’s bandwagon they can hop on and claim they’ve been lifelong fans despite no true ties other than living in the same state.  Many think aggy is a better school than Rice, because their and will openly wonder why kids choose to go to Michigan or Stanford when they can get the same quality of education in a wholesome healthy environment like a College Station.  I’m sure I could add more but I’ll stop here and hope I’ve answered your question.

    I've spent about 48 hours in East Texas in my lifetime, and this strongly correlates with my limited observation.  Well done, sir.

    Also, the bolded section is unfortunately accurate across a much wider swath of America than just east Texas.

  8. 21 hours ago, Moby Ric said:

    We have one.  Worth it.  I have no fucking clue how it works, wife does it.  No pics.  But the short ribs she makes in it are fucking incredible.

    This, exactly.

    My wife made some kind of zesty tomatoey chicken/beans/rice/corn/onion combination for doing burrito bowl salads, and it was one of the best things I've had at home in awhile.

  9. 10 hours ago, Saint Austin said:

    Have only seen the “steak debate” scene, but that it was great. What’s this show about exactly?

    It's a comedy about life in a small town in rural Ontario, but it could be pretty much any small town in north America where agriculture dominates the economy.  It definitely maintains a strong Canadian ethos.  There are 5 seasons (the most recent one is the best, IMO) but only 2 on Hulu at the moment.  The others are coming.

    The characters, the situations they get into, and the colloquialisms are really accurate (and absolutely hilarious) to small town life.  The show is really well written, and shot, and that rapid fire delivery and exchange you saw in the "steak debate" scene are pert near par for the course, eh?

    The show developed out of a series of shorts called "Letterkenny Problems".  I'd suggest checking those out first before diving into the show.






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  10. 9 hours ago, Big D said:

    Is that an above ground pool in your front yard?  Nice.

    My buddy’s (our warm weather brew set up is in his garage).  It’s for his two year old, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t got drunk and jumped in.

  11. 6 minutes ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    LOL yes.

    My ex-wife (no pics) is a University of Tulsa alum.  I was with her at like a Tulsa-San Jose State game one time and some OU jackwagon was sitting in front of us wearing his OU gear.

    I'm like, dude, seriously... you're at a TU-San Jose State game and you feel the need to wear your stupid OU gear???? For fuck's sake.

    That's ridiculous.

    I honestly think that there's a secret Iowa message board where Hawk fans assign someone in each Big 12 town to show up in Iowa gear.  It's like the Wazzu flag on Gameday.

  12. 2 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    For sure.

    Every single non-Bedlam OSU home game you can find numerous jagoff OU fans wearing their OU gear.  And it's usually grown-ass men wearing jerseys.  But we are the ones obsessed.  Right.

    I can't think of a better example of "my life sucks balls so I will strut around in the gear of a successful program at an event that they are not associated with in the hopes that I can I be associated with at least one good/successful thing."


    This reminds me of Iowa fans.  I've yet to go to an Iowa State road game in the Big 12 and not see Iowa gear.  Even in Stillwater, actually.

  13. Keith Moon

    Charlie Watts

    John Bonham

    Chad Smith

    Dave Grohl

    Brad Morgan (Drive-By Truckers; Charlie Watts-esque player)

    Phil Rudd (AC/DC - not that technical, but perfect for his role)

    Levon Helm - how the fuck did he drum that good and sing at the same time?  Jesus.

    • Like 1
  14. The current Big 12 is profitable, you play the same schools every year, and 90% of the league is spread along the Great Plains, giving it at least some modicum of geographic continuity.

    This is better than merging with the Pac, unless you hate everything about college football.

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