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Posts posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. My brother got married on Farmageddon 2014.  I was the best man.

    In his defense, it was originally supposed to be a bye week.  It was an 11AM kick, so all the groomsmen and a bunch of my cousins drank bloodies and got buzzed at the sports bar across the road from the hotel, which just so happened to be the official ISU Alumni game watch site in the Twin Cities.

    Making the best of a bad situation 101.

  2. 14 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:


    Actually, this stopped being the case quite a while ago. Basically slightly over half of OSU's student body are from either the OKC or Tulsa metro areas; also in the past 15-20 years they have recruited the crap out of the Dallas and Houston suburbs... They basically go down there looking for kids who are good students but not good enough to get into UT or A&M and offer them in-state tuition to come to OSU.  (OU does the same thing)

    This makes a lot of sense.  Real quick Wikipedia math says that 63% of Oklahoma's population is in those two metros.

  3. 16 hours ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    How do we know this? Not saying it isn't true, but this seems like an assumption. Did they love it when Oregon started doing it 15 years ago - because then it was different. Do they still love it, or does everyone see that it has totally jumped the shark?

    I just don't see how anyone (except aggy) could really love something that is so ordinary, commonplace, unimaginative, dull. 

    It's obviously anecdotal, but our current players and committed recruits were going nuts on Twitter when these came out.

  4. 1 hour ago, texifornia said:

    I mean, it looks good on a purely aesthetic level, but there's zero indication of what team it is or any acknowledgement of tradition.

    Right.  It's not ugly, it just has dick to do with Iowa State.

    But I'm too old for that demographic anyhow.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, CashMcCoy said:

    I don't see it ever dying. The athletes fucking love it, and programs will continue to look for any possible way of catering to their interests.

    This is exactly why it's happening.  I don't know that anyone over the age of 25 thinks it looks good.

  6. 17 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Agree. Production has never bothered me either. 

    I should add the caveat that it's probably unfair to compare to it to other works, as it consisted of many years worth of woodshedded songs, and not written within in the confines of a typical album cycle.

    I do think that when he was part of a band, and not expected to be THE songwriter, it was easier to cherry pick the best of the best of his own material.  

  7. I've long been opposed to schools without black in their scheme using it, but shit, half the country does it.  Kids like it, I don't.

    I'd rather we hadn't, but I do think it's more aesthetically pleasing than that USC basketball jersey that was posted above.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    Either he's a piece of shit, or this is another woman who is ruining things for other women.  No real in between.

    Sad, but my BS detector is already up after the Reuben Foster situation.

    Pretty much.

    Also, if he's a piece of shit, sounds like roids and not CTE are the culprit.

  9. Dhw4yvXUYAAGrX7.jpg:large

    I'm not sure exactly where I stand.  I love the road unis.  The alt is decent, I guess.  The kids love that shit apparently.  Yesterday, someone just leaked the home jersey and I immediately hated it due to the black collar.  It doesn't look terrible matched with the whole uniform.  These don't look like USC, so I guess that's good.

    More pics here:


  10. I've had weddings on the Iowa/Iowa State game 2 years in a row after avoiding it for years.  It is always the 2nd Saturday in September, period.  Every one in this state knows it.  That's the reason you got half price on the venue, you fucktard.

    Shit part is I pretty much had to go to both.  One was my step brother, who I don't really associate with much or even know that well, but my mom would have had a goddamned shit fit and my brother was going, so I was going to be the asshole.  The other was an employee of mine who is good at what she does, and it at least didn't require me to miss any of the game.  I still didn't actually go.

    I'd love to see a bill passed that stated any marriage performed on the second Saturday of September in Iowa would not be recognized by the state.

  11. 38 minutes ago, lateshow said:

    The fuck is runza?

    Cabbage and ground beef sandwiches sold through a chain restaurant also called Runza based in Nebraska (some Iowa and Kansas locations as well).

    Only Osborne has higher cult status there

  12. 10 hours ago, pigmeat markham said:

    The world will soon come to an end.  An ISU fan talking shit.

    Year before last was a true rout, of that there is no question.  Last year's point differential was 18 points, by no means a nail biter, but by my definition anyway, not exactly "going in dry".  While Campbell appears as if he'll be a good coach, it's important not to get carried away.  

    Campbell is 11-14 at ISU.

    You gotta realize this is the most shit I've been able to talk.ever.  I really wish it was a school more deserving of it than Tech.

    Last year's game wasn't as close as the MOV suggests.  We had the ball down near Tech's goal line late and just sat on it to not run up the score.

  13. 5 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Holy shit the city is perfect today.  Gonna rip up and down lake shore drive before the boozing kicks in.  This is why you live through the miserable winters - admittedly, these days, I cheat and leave quite a bit for those 8 months...

    If you're getting the same weather were getting 6 hours west, you ain't kidding.

    It is fucking spectacular in the Upper Midwest.

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