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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Huge win. Feeling pretty good about the trajectory. Going to have to win a lot more. Looking forward we should be the better team in all but the pool match.
  2. What if I told you she was also a single mom?
  3. I told her I would go because I've heard there is lots of young hot ass in g-strings
  4. Well crap. My special lady friend (travel nurse from Florida) who is very much the Instagram type tourist wants to go go Tulum now. So put me in the hypocrite section. If it weren't for the double Ds she's bringing I'd DK this trip. so Ill be reading the whole thread now for advice and tips.
  5. Weren't you the same one that compared paesanos to olive garden? Just saying. You either doing a bit or have long covid
  6. midtown


    Anyone want to give me two recos on a nice dinner spot in May? Staying next to Trafalgar Square. Don't mind traveling a little bit but don't want to go across town.
  7. Amazing how two people can have complete opposite experiences. Now Budapest and Colombia Im down with
  8. Much to my disappointment they only sent one dinky picture and its not much different than the one on the website. I finally got ahold of someone in executive sales and they found me a premium seat which is on the east side. They screwed up the first invoice so I am waiting on the girl to get back into the office today. I guess you get access to a bunch of free food and drink before, half and even can stick around after the match.
  9. midtown


    Subscribed. Will be in London May 13-16 with a three day stop in Edinburgh. Man hotel rates are insane
  10. Shit. Didn't think of this. I probably own 75 ties from my days working on Wall Street. I wear one once a year at the most now.
  11. So who on here flew out of ABIA this morning? I heard it was a madhouse with 3 hour TSA lines etc. People were apparently just abandoning rental cars
  12. midtown


    Nope. Now if they have a reason to open your bag and find it they are going to take it and by law they have to notify the local authorities. but if you are in a legal state the local authorities cant do anything anyway
  13. midtown


    They have those boxes in Vegas
  14. This is my impression based on social media. Pretty much the "I'm a world traveler because I've been to Mexico crowd"
  15. Another winner from SWA https://twitter.com/OffCyndisc/status/1506704624090329093?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1506704624090329093|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fviewfromthewing.com%2Ftuesdays-attack-on-southwest-airlines-gate-agent-was-so-bad-even-passengers-grandmother-is-appalled%2F
  16. I've been saying this for well over 10 years. He's also one of the nicest people you will ever meet
  17. I found a way for him to stay a bit longer https://nypost.com/2022/03/24/man-stuck-in-costa-rica-after-flesh-eating-bug-infected-genitals/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter
  18. Austin going from being Dallas to Florida one passenger at a time.
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