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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Well we know Trump didn't pen this, there's no "big burly Italian guy" coming up to him with tears in his eyes saying how Trump has made it ok to celebrate Columbus Day once again.
  2. That homeowner is a modern day Ferris Bueller
  3. Hold on! Is she at a dog biscuit store? Her babies are dogs aren't they?
  4. I'll throw in that per Google between 150,000 - 200,000 Texans die each year, my uneducated guess is that it would impact republicans greater.
  5. You ever seen a spleen that large?
  6. Outstanding! I'll be using this with full credit back to EhatTheBuck.
  7. The fact that this hasn't been the response is extremely frustrating. Mcconnell's Senate has been packing the court going back at least six years now. Via holding up appointments or for example trying to rush a nomination in now.
  8. The full video just turns it up to 11.
  9. Well it is Trump, and I'm guessing he gets distracted easily, so 4 minutes on average might be pushing it. Cut it down to two and he's still the leader on the board with the top spot for waisted time while in office.
  10. Does she have a FitLump "bump"? Could that be the cause of the craziness?
  11. The more we dive into days between testing it will turn out that it's approximately a Trump "two week" interval.
  12. I'm going with@henrygandorf option #2. Trump has told us as much, plus he's probably constantly yelling "slow the testing down" walking through the halls
  13. Stumbled across this article discussing how much of Trump's presidency he has spent Tweeting. It has an interactive graph that you can manipulate based on long long you think it takes Trump to Tweet out an original Tweet as well as how long it takes for him just to retweet something. My estimates below (your results may vary). If it takes Trump 4 minutes, 13 seconds to write a normal tweet and 6 seconds to retweet, we can estimate that: Trump has spent 41 days, 2 hours and 56 minutes tweeting since taking office, with 12 days, 1 hour and 42 minutes of that occurring during work hours. Of that, 40 days, 20 hours and 23 minutes was spent tweeting original tweets. Trump spent the most time tweeting in October 2019, when he spent 3 days, 0 hours and 6 minutes on it. That was also the month he spent the most time tweeting during work hours, 20 hours and 27 minutes in total. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/05/12/how-much-trumps-presidency-has-he-spent-tweeting/
  14. You answered yourself. Trump has done more to divide America than any enemy we have ever fought. Why would they risk a move that would possibly unite us.
  15. The fact that he's in a Twitter conversation with his own campaign team is just a little unsettling. Definitely gives off a talking to the voices in my head vibe.
  16. She must work at the White House.
  17. He probably already has, just not on Twitter. Though that does beg the question. Is there someone within the CIA/FBI who is tasked with monitoring all of Trump's social media posts on a minute by minute basis? That is a job that would literally make you go insane.
  18. What county do you live in. I'm in Harris and I'm under the impression I can vote at any polling place in the county.
  19. Well it's not like Toronto wouldn't have it coming..... From a random Google search of what's bad about Toronto. "Subways. What the hell, Toronto? If you want to be a world-class city, you have to behave like a world-class city, and that usually starts with public transport! Granted, I came here from New York, where the subway is open 24 hours and will get you from anywhere to anywhere. Toronto has two - COUNT THEM, TWO - subway lines that shut down at night. That’s beyond pathetic."
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