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Posts posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. 47 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

    I get that he's not 100%, but the way he's moving on defense indicates his issue right now is way more mental than it is physical

    Completely disagree. Dead legs- that is, the kind of long term fatigue associated with poor recovery from minor injury and overwork impacts vertical and explosive movement first and most. This is why “active recovery” is a thing- you can have dead legs and still jog and jump rope all day.  Defense is mainly lateral and horizontal movement and reactive hand-eye coordination, all of which Luka has in spades. But he’s very sore and doesn’t have enough lift to get his shot off, which is why he’s forcing it through his shoulders and arms. Dead legs takes about a week of rest and recovery to get over at his age. 
    He’ll be a little better for the rest of the series because he’s got a break between each game, but won’t be 100% until next season. That’s just how it is. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    If that fucking guy wins 20% of the Black vote, I’ll go straight 

    The chances of that are about 50%, I would say, but 15% seems like a slam dunk. Not sure what about 20% would be hard to accept. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Honestly I just don’t care enough to think about it. I’ve seen some bad calls this series, but no group of calls in any one game has affected the outcome. I just don’t get worked up by officials and never really have except over the occasional Longhorn football game. I’ve seen one and possible two times Big 12 refs cost us games against OSU and once against Bama in ‘22. All at home. No officiating anywhere else has approached those screw jobs. 

    You’re talking about bad officiating that changed the outcome. That happens in football. Screw jobs were the officials seem to intentionally put their thumb on the scale to manipulate the outcome seem rare in football. The only equivalent I can think of is “Grant Teaff’s going away present” in 1993.

    I’m talking about the kind of screwjobs that are unique to the NBA, particularly when they can extend a playoff series. A few off the top of my head:

    Game 5 ECF, Knicks-Bulls ‘93 (Charles Oakley)
    Game 2 Finals, Celtics-Lakers ‘08 Celtics (Lakers shoot 10 free throws, Celtics shoot 38)
    Game 6 WCF, Kings-Lakers 2002
    Games 5-6 Finals, Heat-Mavs, 2006 (and Games 3-4 are pretty bad too)


  4. 3 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    I read this and my eyes glaze over. Is there a source for this other than an admitted convicted degenerate’s word for it?

    Oh it’s all speculative of course, but the Donaghy thing is a pretty huge red flag, and can we honestly say it’s been fully addressed? Despite the NBA’s line (which you have accepted and repeat above, and that’s fine), it’s tough to imagine that he was unique, particularly given his background, and there have been multiple investigations by ESPN a d others that suggest it’s not. 

    There’s no equivalent in the last 90 years of pro baseball or 70 years of pro football. And look, I don’t even think a conspiracy theory is required. People’s motivations and biases can be all over the place beyond money. They may be actively collaborating with mobsters like Donaghy, who made very little compared to his partners, or they could be merely putting their thumbs on the scale for other reasons- Marc Cuban and Robert Sarver (Suns) were both unusually public about calling out uneven officiating and many people have argued they both paid the price for it. You can decide whether that makes sense to you or whether there was a corruption issue beyond bias.  You can decide whether it matters that so many of the same names that always seemed to pop up in poorly officiated games in that era were from  Delaware County Pa, and that they were all longtime friends and associates across generations, or that some of those associations include mob ties. 

    All that said, you are correct. No matter how much smoke there is, I can’t point to the fire. But after watching NBA basketball for the last 45 years I don’t think there’s anything stranger to me than the idea that the four people overseeing the development and performance of NBA officials are Mark Wunderlich, Eddie Rush, Bennett Salvatore and Joey Crawford. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    It’d be quite absurd. Thankfully you’re not going there. 

    Of course I’m not. It’s ridiculous on its face. 

    BTW- did I say two referees who were specifically implicated? I meant *four*.  There are four former referees  implicated in *allegedly* rigging games now in senior roles overseeing NBA referees as part of the NBA referee development and performance group (out of four members), but only three of them were specifically implicated in fixing playoff games against the Mavs. And it’s not as though the Mavs were unique- one was  also involved in the notorious Game 6 of the 2002 WCF between the Lakers and Kings, and several other infamous officiating disasters. 
    How silly of me.

    Well at any rate I’m not paranoid enough to think there’s something systemically wrong here.

  6. 4 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    But clearly you know better than to lend your support to an asinine conspiracy theory against Luka. Thank God. 

    Of course I’m not. I mean, it’s not as though *two* former referees specifically implicated by Tim Donaghy in *allegedly* fixing games against the Mavericks (including both games 5 and 6 of the 2006 NBA finals) are now occupying VP level operations roles supervising officials. That would be absurd, right?

  7. 3 hours ago, Rimbo said:


     Or for nothing, this Pastor reminds me of the old Protestant Evangelical pastors, preachers who weren’t afraid to come out with the rod and staff and even break the legs of their lambs if they had to in order to protect the flock. 


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  8. 4 hours ago, LCHorn said:

    It sounds like what you're saying is that TCAD doesn't need to improve anything because taxpayers should expect their tax appraisals to be inaccurate and it's a systemic problem state-wide. 

    I would offer that's uncharacteristic of you--I would think Bozo would see inaccuracies on both sides of present market value as problematic.  If every valuation you've seen over 8 years was low, isn't that starving municipalities of revenue to which they are entitled?

    That’s fair, and I agree - my point is simply that there’s nothing uniquely bad or good about TCAD in the context of a broken system, and that  they deceptions of Matt Mackowiak and others like him, in addition to being dishonest, obscure that fact by framing it as an Austin/Travis county problem.

  9. 10 hours ago, sidis said:

    and you shouldn’t be glad. You should be frustrated that the taxing authority is so bad at its job that an entire cottage industry of law school dropouts exists to rip you off as a result. 

    That’s not a TCAD issue, that’s a function of how the state of Texas dupes people into thinking this is a low-tax state. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    If there really is a deep state, it's doing Trump's bidding, dragging it's feet, and apparently on more drugs/booze than I plan to be after his demise/defeat/death

    My plan is to lose about 20-25 pounds by the election and work on a solid tanning base all summer so that I’ll be a hot rich person by November. I feel like if I can be a hot rich person everything will be OK. 

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