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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. So if you were a betting man you’d take the bottom half of those lists over the top half?
  2. https://www.teamrankings.com/college-football/stat/average-time-of-possession-net-of-ot?date=2017-01-10 Alot of the top ten throughout the years admittedly run gimmick offenses Army Navy Air Force etc. I’d still take my chances with the teams holding the ball more than 30 min than those who don’t. And I didn’t make TOP the golden goose or most important stat ever. I simply asked slorch if he was insinuating it’s not an important aspect of the game.
  3. If it’s not about that then why bring it up??? You did that not me. Sanders ideals are democratic. More so than the actual party that’s been bought off.
  4. Who is complaining? I merely asked for a fucking break and provided articles when a poster said rigging of the primary didn’t happen. And no I don’t understand why it’s important that a party maintain control of anything. The people maintain control based on the individuals running and their platform. When you start saying a party or selected few should have more control than the population well that’s not exactly Democratic is it?
  5. What platform or issues does Trump run on that are remotely Democratic? Is this your best argument? Sanders pulls part half or most of the Democratic Party because he’s actually a liberal progressive.
  6. Or maybe he was a democrat all his life and switched because he would never win anything as a democrat. I never said they weren’t a private organization or couldn’t rig their primary. Again they are and did just that. Sanders is doing just fine with or without the D. He doesn’t need you equal footing. He needs the people. And he has them. So again in case it’s too difficult for you to understand Trump isn’t and didn’t run as a democrat because he would lose bigly. He loves and prefers those unwilling to educate themselves or form an opinion on their own.
  7. I know you couldn’t possibly have meant that dumb shit you posted but what Democrat is voting for Donald Trump?
  8. Lmfao they wouldn’t have to. Again the people would. Great point tho wtf
  9. I never said they couldn’t do what they want. They obviously did just that. If you don’t think a fair honest election in a primary should be a BIG FUCKING DEAL well I can’t win an argument with you on this matter so I won’t even try. And all the DNC and Democrats have done is prove Bernie right for holding out. You know things like fair elections and not working for money actually matter to him. Shocker in politics I know. The people should elect their leaders in this country. Not the letter by your name or how much money you bring in.
  10. Why cherry pick stats when you’ll do it for me. Are you insinuating TOP isn’t important in football? Very productive RBs? Henderson and Batch were his best. Neither eclipsed 900 yards a season. His entire time at tech produced 0 1000 yard rushers. He lost 2 games once (should of been 3) and 3 another. The rest of his coaching career is a bunch of 4 and 5 loss seasons. Grand total 122-81 and 6-7 in bowl games. And as mentioned above 0 conference championships. I know tech has a different standard but that’s mediocre. Mike Leach is mediocre.
  11. Neither will ever win anything. It’s not hatin it’s the truth. Most influential coach on mediocre football. Keep arguing. Maybe one day he will figure out how to run the ball. He can have the championship of interviews congratulations.
  12. It is actually a horrible example. What it is an example of is the two best teams from start to finish playing for a national title. What the fuck is this? BillyMadisonnoppoints.gif borderline neg worthy... 05 Texas beats 01 Miami. As mentioned above Leinart and the USC passing game opened up the running game for an already explosive Bush and bruising White. You will never convince me the 01 Miami backfield is far and away better than 05 USC. Dorsey doesn’t open up jackshit. Texas is stacking the box daring Ken to beat us. Not happening. That’s before we even start talking about the 05 Texas offense. I don’t care how many Ed Reeds you got Texas is putting up numbers.
  13. Give me a fucking break https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/02/ex-dnc-chair-goes-at-the-clintons-alleging-hillarys-campaign-hijacked-dnc-during-primary-with-bernie-sanders/ Clinton was anointed from the beginning. The money the establishment the machine was behind her. Bernie crashed the party and they had to take extraordinarily extreme measures to stop his push. This is fact.
  14. A lot of work and planning isn’t a reason to not do something. Not that you’re saying that. Momma always said anything worth doing or having will probably take a lot of work. Can throw planning in there no problem.
  15. So itt the reasons for no Bernie are cost related and the need to see numbers. They have been provided for his most criticized plans. What’s the problem now? The other is age... already discussed a bit but let’s talk about it since that seems to be a problem. I’ll start by it is fucking ridiculous to judge anyone by anything other than how well they can do the job. Any job. Race gender sexual orientation age etc. should not play any role in electing a president. Saying this man can’t get the job done due to his age is a lazy cop out. Especially when our current president is an old dumb fuck. Articles I read where Bernie can’t run because he’s old then list Biden as the top contender. They’re the same damn age. What in the actual fuck is going on here? Anyone who’s being objective knows Bernie is the front runner to win the democratic nomination should or when he chooses to run. It’s strange to me that this thread is only on page 2. Well maybe not... I’ve never seen old white guys be so afraid of another old white guy like this. You’d think he was a young Ice Cube.
  16. But keep worrying about money and subsidizing the billionaires of America. Bahhh... turn the television back on and get told how Bernie is the debil. No need to think for yourselves.
  17. All the while checking these out of control pharmaceutical companies. Maybe getting focused on actually creating real helpful medicines and forgetting about profit. Perhaps a population with adequate healthcare idk actually gets healthier over time.
  18. 32 Trillion for Sanders’ Medicare for all healthcare plan and that’s according to the Koch brothers... of course conservatives jumped all over the number. Too bad for them there is more to the story. https://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-medicare-for-all-plan-cost-save-money-2018-7 While the price tag for the federal government would increase significantly, decreased spending by other groups would actually lower the total amount of healthcare spending over the same 10-year period. At the same time, the model also assumes that 30 million more people would get access to healthcare, and many people would get more robust services. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/7/30/17631240/medicare-for-all-bernie-sanders-32-trillion-cost-voxcare There is the rub. The federal government is going to spend a lot more money on health care, but the country is going to spend about the same. When you consider a universal single-payer program would 1) cover every single American, eliminating uninsurance and 2) provide much more robust benefits, covering more services than get covered right now, then it starts to look like a good deal.
  19. People don’t know what to do with a politician that makes too much sense. He scares them even Donald the great who’s not even afraid of the FBI CIA or Russian gangsters ya see... The boogeyman with grand plans of educating the youth of America helping the poor giving the population decent healthcare keeping people out of prison who have no business being there. Even the kids are terrified... How will we ever survive!? Can we come up with the money?? Critical very important questions that should come before having basic decency ethics and morals... the horror.
  20. Occupy Lafayette Park still going strong close to two weeks later with 100k raised. Link has a few videos dancing dinosaur included. Thought I noticed a low energy Donald. Maybe lack of sleep due to noise or Mueller nightmares who knows. https://www.newsweek.com/anti-trump-white-house-protests-near-two-week-mark-organizers-raise-more-100k-1044975
  21. Where did you get lost in the rambling? I may have directions...
  22. On account of 2008 being brought up earlier today just thought it should be known Mike Leach isn’t awesome. Fuck Mike Leach and fuck Texas Tech. Neither one will ever win shit.
  23. Ah shit DeVos and her friends need a 5th yacht forgot my bad Betsy. I’m sure you and your friends can pay for it off the backs of the wrongly imprisoned. Let’s keep them there. Maybe the immigrant kids kept in your empty Walmart’s can chip in too.
  24. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/07/25/sen-bernie-sanders-progressives-aim-end-money-bail-system/837965002/ Sanders' bill, introduced without co-sponsors, would end the use of secured bonds in federal court proceedings, provide grants to states that decide to implement alternate pretrial systems and withhold grants from states that use money-bail systems. Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., introduced a companion bill in the House. https://www.theroot.com/bernie-sanders-takes-on-unjust-cash-bail-system-but-st-1827886869 “In the mist of a broken criminal justice system, what is totally insane is that you’ve got around 400,000 people—perhaps 20 percent of people in jail today—in jail for the crime of being poor. That’s their crime,” Sanders told The Root. “We should not in the year of 2018 be locking up hundreds of thousands of people who have been convicted of nothing.” The last article is still critical of Bernie for “not raising his IQ on institutional racism up to his well-developed understanding of economics.” As a Hispanic minority this is simply something I don’t agree with. He’s one of the few staying focused on the issues that plague this country even during this circus. He acknowledges the prison systems racial disparities over and over again. Not to mention you have photos of a young Bernie being arrested for fighting segregation. It’s in his blood. But where’s money going to come from to pay for crazy Bernie’s ideas? Estimates 14 billion a year spent on individuals not convicted of a crime. That’s not including people convicted of bs crimes and bs sentences for things like cannabis possession which is also something Bernie has been advocating for long before it became cool. Not including other horseshit government spending discussed in this thread. While the middle class may be taxed some I can never understand that as the go to argument for Bernie’s plans. There are other revenue avenues to be explored first. Wake the fuck up. Will someone think of the poor taxed rich people tho!?
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