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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Looks like Caden-Esque numbers to me. In no way shitting on the great Earl Thomas.
  2. Don’t fucking highlight TOP as I’ve been told by mike leach cronies it means jackshit. What’s the matter with you?
  3. Obviously settled the DBU debate all by his lonesome
  4. Let’s fucking go Texas get this shit done
  5. I want to believe. It’s been too long. Convince me Texas. Win this fucking game.
  6. You aren’t the only one using firearms. The way you use your firearm has the potential to affect others. My possession of a car in no way affects you. My misuse of it might and therein lies the issue. Mental gymnastics.
  7. Put me in her story is bs camp. The guy made too much noise for her liking. Possibly smelled cannabis either that night or previously. Why I asked about balconies. Either way if she’s at the door it’s possible to catch a whiff of the plant. Tired of his shenanigans bangs on his door bc the badge obv gives her the right confronts the man and murders him in cold blood. Riots if she walks.
  8. “I want to change his face.” As mentioned by others surprised that some think Conor will win this fight. Have y’all watched Khabib in the octagon!? I give Conor approximately 0% chance.
  9. IN Stars are the only hope for a Dallas championship until the young Mavs grow. Good owner, great GM, what is hopefully possibly just maybe a bright young coach to galvanize the talent on the roster. Ready for the season.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/ng-interactive/2018/sep/13/bernie-sanders-international-progressive-front In a time of exploding wealth and technology, we have the potential to create a decent life for all people. Our job is to build on our common humanity and do everything that we can to oppose all of the forces, whether unaccountable government power or unaccountable corporate power, who try to divide us up and set us against each other. We know that those forces work together across borders. We must do the same. Agree. Shocker I know... obviously spot on regarding right wing authoritarianism working together throughout the world.
  11. First fight back going against khabib... I’ll take the Russian by TKO
  12. Bernie has gained name recognition. Since his 2016 run he has gone from an unknown independent to a name most recognize. It will help with minority voters. I think people need to realize that an old unhip white guy is the only one who can truly change a society made by old unhip white guys for old unhip white guys. Ask Obama. I think the reason some old unhip white guys are scared of this certain old unhip white guy is because they realize he is trying to incrementally change society for the betterment of everyone. In other words Islamic Sharia law. Bernie is trying to level the playing field and they know he can because he is an old unhip white guy. Pretty much the antithesis of Trump. Bernie has already changed the political landscape with his ideas.
  13. I’ll take action and substance over cool. Like being arrested fighting segregation in 1963. https://m.chicagoreader.com/chicago/bernie-sanders-1963-arrest-full-story-school-segregation/Content?oid=21247370
  14. https://www.politico.com/magazine/amp/story/2018/08/01/its-bernies-party-now-219153 “This doesn’t mean that he’ll be the next Democratic nominee for president, or even run. It doesn’t mean that his ideas are good (I personally consider them godawful), or that they will make for a salable platform for the Democratic Party (which I very much doubt). It does mean that when it comes to domestic policy on the left, it’s Bernie’s world and the rest of the Democrats live in it. His success represents a version of what has happened to center-left parties around the West, as they have collapsed or been eclipsed by new forces. The two-party system is a durable feature of the American system, so the Democrats aren’t going anywhere, but Sanders is an interloper. As Hillary Clinton complains, he’s “not even a Democrat.” This is not a cutting attack. Indeed, it doesn’t matter in the least to the Democrats in good standing who are vacuuming up Bernie’s ideas. You can hardly be a U.S. senator who hopes to run for president if you aren’t co-sponsoring pillars of the Sanders agenda such as Medicare for All, free college and the $15 minimum wage.”
  15. My main argument is Leach is a mediocre coach. 122-81 overall 6-7 in bowl games 0 conference championships. Obviously 0 ncs. But let’s skip over and not address those numbers. Too crazy of an argument...
  16. There is a pretty clear correlation. Good teams win TOP. Anything above 30 min or about 65th place is winning TOP.
  17. The beginning of football time. I still see Alabama 59 in 2017 and 39 2016.
  18. Nor would I but I’d consider it. And you’re talking about one year. Not to mention every team in the CFP won TOP. And the list I’m looking at has last years champion at 59. Greater than 30 min winning TOP. And that’s a down year for the most dominant team the past decade or so.
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