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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Mavs killing it. Team seems to be coming together rather quickly. Up 15 near end of 1st. So far looks like the front office definitely made the right decision going Luka over Young or whoever else they were thinking.
  2. God bless SHOOTER and daughter. Get well soon.
  3. He did wear a tan suit though... Doubt people care “Beto moves like a bobble head when he talks.” Probably more concerned with actual issues idk.
  4. I’ll never understand how a police officer expects someone to “show me your hands” or “get your hands up” after firing 20+ rounds into a car. I’ve never been shot but I’d imagine if I was shot once maybe 20 times the last thing I’m going to be able to do or think about doing is putting my hands where someone can see them. When they don’t see the hands in 5 seconds let’s go ahead and fire more rounds into the car like that’ll help see hands.
  5. This article certainly seems to back that up. Kind of long but the guy is borderline curing cancer and the article goes into great detail. Sounds like a true Texas Longhorn. Indeed what starts here changes the world. https://www.wired.com/story/meet-jim-allison-the-texan-who-just-won-a-nobel-cancer-breakthrough/ Jim Allison returned home to Texas, where he works with his wife and fellow prize-winning cancer immunotherapist Padmanee Sharma at MD Anderson in Houston. His work continues to travel the world, and change it. Allison still plays blues harp—he considered backing Willie Nelson on stage a few years ago to have been a lifetime highlight, before he found out about the Nobel—and he regularly hears from former cancer patients whose lives were changed or saved by his work. He sees them in the halls and on planes; they are everywhere. Not only because they now number in the hundreds of thousands, but because they are us. And, his wife says, Jim cries, every damn time.
  6. 2nd and 4. Pass pass. How about run run.
  7. There isn’t a team out there where winning out is a given. What a season. I’ll take it right now as would any Texas fan before the season started. Let’s just see what happens. I’m not doubting Texas at this point. Texas can get it done so let’s see if the kids can do it. Hook ‘em.
  8. Looking to give away draft picks for a bunch of receivers who put up Dez numbers. FML
  9. Please win. Zeke needs 30 touches.
  10. Bernie still drawing crowds and encouraging citizens to vote. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/19/bernie-sanders-2020-916368 “Now Trump, he’s a very, very tough guy,” Sanders told about 3,000 people in this college town. “He’s a very, very strong guy when he tears little children at the border from the arms of their mothers. What a tough guy. But he ain’t such a tough guy when he has to deal with Putin … He is not such a tough guy when he has to deal with his billionaire friends in Saudi Arabia, who just tortured and murdered a courageous journalist.” Also acknowledges what’s his biggest “issue” for some... how old he is. Still shows up to work everyday. Not the kind where you say you’ll show up to work and end up golfing half the time. Actually show up to work. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/19/bernie-sanders-2020-918609 “It’s part of a discussion, but it has to be part of an overall view of what somebody is and what somebody has accomplished,” Sanders, who is 77, told POLITICO. “Look, you’ve got people who are 50 years of age who are not well, right? You’ve got people who are 90 years of age who are going to work every day doing excellent work. And obviously, age is a factor. But it depends on the overall health and well being of the individual.”
  11. Clear view on climate change. A breath of fresh air. I suppose you should get it while you can...
  12. Bernie again the only politician willing to do what’s right. Does not care about billion dollar arm sales. Keep your money. Only cares about freedom for the people around the world. Take it from Khashoggi the guy who was hacked into pieces. https://www.newsweek.com/jamal-khashoggi-secret-interview-saudi-murder-prince-mbs-islam-america-1178489 When MBS arrested all of those princes and others and put them at the Ritz-Carlton—I understand when somebody’s this corrupt, he needs to be arrested. However, there was no due process, no evidence, no transparency. So if he really wants to be a reformist, why not bring evidence to the public? Why not bring transparency where you have really introduced the rule of law and due process? The people will be on his side if he would do that. I don't think that is in his—he doesn't see that. He doesn't see the need for that. He is still very much… Deep inside him, he is an old-fashioned tribal leader. Look at the Kuwaiti judiciary, which is like a Gulf state; the society is very much close to the Saudi society. But the Kuwaiti judiciary is way more advanced than the Saudi judiciary, way more transparent than the Saudi judiciary. Why does MBS not see that part of reform? Because it will limit his authoritarian rule, and he doesn’t want that. He doesn't see the need for that. So sometimes I feel that...he wants to enjoy the fruits of First World modernity and Silicon Valley and cinemas and everything, but at the same time he wants also to rule like how his grandfather ruled Saudi Arabia. That doesn't work. You can't have it both ways. He wants to have it both ways. This is what I’m trying to understand: Can you have it both ways? First of all, there is no political movement in Saudi Arabia that could pressure him, number one. And the world is happy with him. Do you see anybody in America except for Bernie Sanders who is calling for putting pressure on MBS? I only saw Bernie Sanders, but no one else.
  13. Villain showed AK on flopped set of 10s. Again let my friend kindly know he’s an idiot and he still goes on he can’t call there. Ok guy. 2nd break he has way more chips than me and I’m still trying to get through to him or understand wtf he was doing. May have tilted him he didn’t last much longer.
  14. Couple hands that I need to get off my chest from last live tourney think $450-500 deepstack River Series Winstar. Surprised at how bad the play is. Like 1/3 of the field fish. First comes from a friend I was with. Don’t know the exact positions but the story goes something like this. Early levels of deep stack tourney. He standard raises 2.5x-3x from MP w 1010. Believe villain had postion, let’s say B. He 3bets back to friend who makes the call. Flop comes x 10 K rainbow. Friend leads out prob half the pot and gets shoved on for probably something like 200bb+. Crazy I know. Friend folded this hand saying there’s no way he could call that so deep early in the tourney. Started going on about pot odds and such. I looked at him like he was an idiot. This is a snap call from me pot odds be damned. What’s the play? Hand I ended up busting on prob 30 min from bagging chips making day two and at least some money. Was struggling whole tourney but hanging around and finally start the run good. Build stack to prob 200kish blinds something like 2.5k/5k. Folds around to me in either HJ or CO with T9d and I bump 2.5x to 12.5k. Probably the best villain at the table in BB calls and is the only one who can stack me. Barely. Flop comes x 7d Kd. Villain checks in BB. I cbet something like 20-25k. Villain calls. Turn something like 5d. Think villain leads out 45kish. No way I’m personally folding I tank for a bit for show then shove. He calls and flips JQd. That hurt. Anything I can do different here?
  15. I see your point w AQ as value from there. You lost me saying you’d reraise A5s+ but then limp suited aces. Help me w the A9o-AJo and KJo types. If I bump is it easy fold to SB reraise? If it folds back around to HJ who calls and auto checks what do you do with air on flop? What do you do with paired A with your A9o-AJo hands? What do you do with a paired K on your KJo hands? I’m assuming cbet all that? I like the limp w K10s type hands and suited connectors due to possibility of getting raised from B-BB. I am taking a flop to any reasonable raise. I like flops especially if I steal position. I understand including down to 66 raise. What do you do with three over cards on a flop? Cbet?
  16. And if he folds he folds. This is good. We keep building the stack. Narrow villains range with your 4 bet. This is a good thing. Him folding pre is a good thing.
  17. I’m prob more LAG than most and bumping from CO with limp in HJ with a wide range. Love the image it creates. If you’ve played money hands w this guy no way he’s folding QQ from the SB. If he is he’s leaking money IMO. IMO range for this scenario... raising limp HJ prob AA-99, AK/AQs, AKo. Semi bluff raising AQo-KJo. I have no problem folding these hands if reraised. Then it gets tricky for me. I’m limp calling the rest of that range above minus the low offsuit As and gapped offsuits. Maybe limp the 109o type hands if it’s a loose table. I think a call to the HJ limp with the lower suited range above is fine just hard to call a raise from B-BB. Sometimes get priced in. Would call a raise from B-BB with suited connectors and the lower pairs set mining. Maybe suited one gappers again depending on money flow.
  18. What I would give for old school PS... Agree with have to reraise pre. You either need to win the hand now w a 4bet or get it all in w him pre. Given the history I don’t think you only get called/re raised w AA. The end result is the same. You 4bet pre he prob 5bets/shoves w QQ run the cards. So hand like this where you called off at the end and ended up being wrong was no different than being right. Prefer to learn on those run better type hands.
  19. I’d agree with this approach. If you’re afraid they’ll shut down close to $50... limp hope for raise and reraise preflop in early position is definitely in the playbook.
  20. Appreciate your insight Sooner. As a youngin barely getting into poker circa 2004 pretty sure I remember you final tabling PS tourneys here and there.
  21. This is nice. IMO it is check turn as you did and call turn. Check river call river on anything other than K. What bothers me most is the amount of callers preflop.
  22. I agree with all this. We talk about Trump bc that’s the reality right now. Sad! Literal worst case scenario. If Trump isn’t running in 2020 I would still pull for Bernie/Warren but give me Harris. That’s a big IF from where I’m standing right now. America is far too comfortable to revolt a la Ukraine.
  23. Booker took over... think the Mavs can play better than they showed tonight.
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