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  1. Crochet is fools gold for this year. His max innings pitched is 54 innings over the last four years. He will have to be shut down anytime now.
  2. You better believe it. Burt Reynolds, Leonard Skinner and of course Mack Brown.
  3. Just maybe they aren't as smart as they think they are.
  4. I know we already disowned this guy, but can we disembowel him. Talking about Fatass that is.
  5. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Cowboy fans. At least you have Washington in the same conference LULZ. Bust.
  6. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Not looking good for Ossai going late in the 1st. All the edge guys still out there.
  7. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Chargers need to run over Goodell and just take Slater here. Will protect the franchise QB for 10-12 years.
  8. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Probably the most sure thing in the 1st round other than Surtain.
  9. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    TY Eagles for not taking a QB. Smith can be part of the package next year when we trade my Ass QB.
  10. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Eagles taking a QB here?
  11. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Man. I thought this kid could hold his own when he was freshman to play in the NFL. Thought he was that good.
  12. ckhorn

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    DeVonta Smith is falling and going to make some NFL team happy for years.
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