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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. Fuck they lying douche. I hope someone kicks him in the junk daily
  2. He quit baseball for a while. on the rangers roster for 6 days last year. he just qualified for his 2nd ring !!!
  3. I figure Rome has blocked about half of y’all
  4. After saying there would be an update on Cristian Javier and José Urquidy today, Joe Espada did not have one. He said he met with both pitchers today and wanted to “give them their space” while awaiting a second opinion. Asked if their UCLs are intact, Espada didn’t comment
  5. damn, not fair having a beast up there in a simulated game !!!
  6. You first have to consider, as a whole, trump supporters are the dumbest mother fuckers and poorest people around. In their eyes, Trump is their ultimate red blooded all American billionaire. he boxes … he rides a Harley … plays cards with real Americans … makes adult diapers great again …. bangs hot women, lusts after his daughter, ect ect ect when they think of Trump, it brings them to tears.
  7. The two dumb asses that took over for douche Limbaugh are pure comedic gold today. Lie after lie after lie …. Biden should pardon Trump, they wouldn’t let Trump testify, they didn’t let witnesses speak, Hunter Biden !!!!!, Supreme Court should step in, Republican judges never veer from outside established law, Dem judges do whatever they wan and make up law, activist judges !!!, it’ll all easily be thrown out in appeal, SEC SEC SEC !!!!, and on and on and on …. when will a rich white man catch a break in this dem corrupted legal system !!!!!
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